History & Biography The Auckland-based 8 Foot Sativa was formed in 1998 as a cover band and comprised of singer vocalist Justin Niessen, guitarist Gary Smith, bassist Brent Fox and Sam Sheppard. The band quickly gained popularity in its native country and played shows with the likes of Pantera. The band issued a debut album through the local label Intergalactic and soon lost drummer Speed. The band even managed shows in Canada and Europe.
Album number two, Season For Assault, allowed the band to play at the Big Day Out festival. The album, like its follow-up, would be licensed by Sweden's Black Mark. Justin Niessen left the band in 2003 (but was back in 2005 and again in 2012) and was replaced by Matt Sheppard, brother of drummer Sam. Matt joined the band before they left for Sweden to work on album number three at Studio Underground. In the meanwhile, Hate Made me achieved gold status in New Zealand implying sales of 7,500 units. Poison Corey Friedlander was the drummer in 2005 and 2006, left and returned in 2008. Of Ages was a 2007 demo. Nik Davies joined on guitar in 2011. 10 Years Of Sativa, from 2013, was a compilation. Another independent release was 2013’s The Shadow Masters. The group appeared at the Westfest with the likes of Megadeth in 2014. The band played in Australia in 2014. The band was inactive next.
8 Foot Sativa (what!?) is one of the biggest metal bands out of New Zealand and through Breed The Pain proves the country has bands which are good enough to compete with their peers worldwide. Featuring a new singer, the band's third album sounds like the American bands which are influenced by the Gothenburg death metal sounds. There are not many standout parts on the album, but the brutal vocal stylings, fast and heavy deathrash music and respectable production courtesy of Sweden's Studio Underground make these 8 footers a serious proposition. Especial kudos goes to the bassist and his noteworthy sound. On the other hand, the band's choice of a cover art is both cliched and unintelligent. - Anna Tergel