History & Biography Solo act Abduction was founded in the part of England with no good football teams - i.e. anywhere outside Liverpool - in 2016. The solo act of the masked man A|V used concert musicians for gigs, but otherwise recorded everything solo.
A demo 2016 led to To Further Dreams Of Failure in 2017. A limited edition tape in the same year was called Respiratory Prison. It took the man/band and two ‘labels’ to press the 50 cassettes. Moksha was a 2019 demo. Cyclopean Thunderbolt was a 2020 demo. Intercontinental Death Conspiracy was an Abduction and Nocturnal Prayer split also in 2020.
The band signed with Candlelight and released a full-length in 2022. The news here was that Candlelight Records was still around. The band toured the UK with Bølzer and continental Europe with Ante-Inferno (called Eternity Of Death Tour) in 2023. A concert in the Czech Republic was cancelled however. Phil, and crew were jointly recording a new album. Andracca, Ninkharsag and Devastator were presenting their albums at a showcase in Manchester, England in February 2024. This was a Reaper Agency showcase. As such, the band was booked for the Incineration festival in the UK as well. Abduction had an upload called Razors Of Occam prior to the Existentialismus album of February 21, 2025. It was released by Candlelight.
The act professes to metal, but also succumbs to ambient and rock sounds. The proprietor is also in an ambient project called Hosste.