Exaltatus Mechanism – 2019 - Satanath
Vergessene Stille - 2021 - Satanath/Duplicate
Foretaste Of Justice - 2024 - Satanath/No Balls

Abigorum image
Satanath>>ALEXEY KOROLEV>>Satanath – Wulfgar, Die Nebel Der Endlosigkeit, Trond, Feuermann>>TINO THIELE>>Wulfgar, Trond, Feuermann

Satanath>>ALEXEY KOROLEV>>Satanath – Wulfgar, Die Nebel Der Endlosigkeit, Metamorph, Trond, Feuermann>>TINO THIELE>>Wulfgar, Metamorph, Feuermann, Trond, Phreneticum

Satanath>>ALEXEY KOROLEV>>Satanath – Phreneticum>>Sandra Batsch>>Phreneticum

Satanath>>ALEXEY KOROLEV>>Satanath

Satanath, Taiga>>ALEXEY KOROLEV>>Satanath, Taiga

History & Biography
Aleksey Korolyov of Satanath founded the band in 2012 and issued a self-titled demo. Satanath also issued the release. Unholy Ghost Liturgy was a split with Cryostasium in 2016. It featured Donald Trump without make-up on its cover. Spectral Shadows was another split, this time with Striborg, in 2018. Tino of Ewig Records and Sandra (both Germans) joined the band in 2019. Exaltatus Mechanism was issued in mid-2019. Sandra left in 2020.

Vergessene Stille was a new record in 2021. The main man moved to Georgia and, with it, the base of operations in 2022. The band based in Germany and Georgia announced a new record for August 2024. Turkish violin fiddler Mitka Akkoyun was a guest. The band was booked for the Satanath mini-tour of Armenia and Georgia.


This is a tough one to rate. Abigorum on its own would have merit, but taken on average with the zero or ten mark awarded to Striborg 30 is more than sufficient. Past visually appealing logos and an intriguing cover artwork we have five tracks with Abigorum contributing four and Striborg pitching in with one, which clocks in at 33 minutes!
Abigorum is clearly electronic in nature too, but the deep vocals and brutality harbour some appeal for the extreme metal and ambient fanatic. The drum machines are artificial and annoying however, but this in essence is a solo act. Abigorum’s fourth track is called Striborgum and, given the reference in the title, leans electronic/noise.
Spktr by Striborg is as useless and annoying as that, er, act has ever output. In fact, Striborg must be the most obnoxious band currently making a killing on the poseur youth circuit. Someone walked in on me listening to the track and completely believed me when I said ‘the CD player is broken and gone haywire.’ It is a collection of annoying digital beeps and belches that could be described as the soundtrack of the original Tron mixed with the sounds from Pong mixed into one and played backwards. Now play this back on a broken record player that is on an endless loop and… nah enough about this crap. It is weak, powerless, boring and clearly has as much to do with metal as Donald Trump’s brain has to do with logic or understanding. – Ali “The Metallian”

Exaltatus Mechanism is Abigorum's first full-length with almost completely German lyrics. Grau Und Schwarz (Gray And Black) is an opener that never gets going, the instruments seem raring to go but nothing gets into gear, just a repeat of the same sounds alongside ominous deep growling vocals. Maskenball (masked ball) is as indecipherable and is not much different. Slow experimentation is one way to describe what comes out of the speakers. It is as if this is some slowed down and twisted version of Hellhammer or Celtic Frost. Jetzt continues to experiment with different sounds and borders on industrial. Für Die Ewigkeit (For Eternity) mixes in some English lyrics proclaiming that pain is coming and it will last for eternity. Konigreich Dunkelheit keeps going in the same vein, it is dark raw experimentation and feels very intentionally so. Der Ängstliche Mensch speaks of the state of the soul. Krieg prods along much like the songs before it. Über Dich gives off a more doomy feel but remains true to the sound that is Exaltatus Mechanism. Das Kloster closes this sometimes bizarre 45 minutes in an outro fashion. – Anna Tergel

