Prooemivm Sangvine – 2009 – Casket
Spartacus – 2013 – Blast Head
Carthago Delenda Est – 2016 - Xtreem
Rise Of The Empire – 2019 - Rockshots

Ade image
Flavio – Orodreth, Suicidal Causticity, Deviation>>DIOCLETIANVS [NIKOLAS BRUNI]>>Suicidal Causticity, Deviation

Messor – Night Silence, Lod Vampyr, Shining Void>>FABIVS [FABIO PALAZZOLA]>>Night Silence, Lod Vampyr, Shining Void – Blood Legion, Elarmir>>Nero [Daniele Amador]>>Blood Legion, Onydia – Overactive, Stormlord>>NERVA [FRANCESCO FASOLO]>>Overactive, Stormlord

Damneds>>Caligula [Giovanni Capaldo]>>Damneds – Exence, Sextum Sepulcrum, Suicidal Causticity, Subhuman, Eldritch>>Cornelivs [Dario Lastrucci]>>Sextum Sepulcrum, Suicidal Causticity, Subhuman, Eldritch

Lord Vampyr, Nailed God, Veratrum>>Aeternus [Diego Tasciotti]>>Lord Vampyr, Nailed God, Iamthemonster, Veratrum, Shadowsreign, Handful Of Hate, Massemord, Hatenshrine, Dawn Of A Dark Age, Satanika, Incantvm, Elarmir, Perversa, Notturno – Steel Crow, Five Hundred Murders, Bloodtruth, Gôr Mörgûl, Arkana Code>>Commodvs [Giacomo Torti]>>Arkana Code, Bloodtruth, Scuorn, Taur-Im-Duinath, Fjellheim, Hour Of Penance – Helslave, Plugs Of Apocalypse, Svnth, Bedsore>>Decivs [Davide Itri]>>Plugs Of Apocalypse, Bedsore, Devoid Of Thought, Svnth, Daria Huber, Roberta Rullo

Female Vocals
Night Silence>>Simone D’Andrea>>Night Silence

History & Biography
The band is based in Italy and calls its folk-ish sound Roman death metal. The band is of little interest to heavy metal fans given the use of flutes, Oud and other instruments. The band was founded in 2007. Ultima Ratio is the name of the 2008 demo. Casket Music signed the band and issued Prooemivm Sangvine. Ade’s Rise Of The Empire was out through Extreme Metal Music/Rockshots Records in November. 2019 had brought a wholesale change of line-up to the band with the exception of Fabivs.

Time To Kill Records added extreme and folk-influenced band Ade to its roster in 2024. The Italy-based band, which focused on Roman civilization, was to release an album in the coming months.


