Planet ZOG - The End – 2002 - Musique Et Tradition
A New Race For A New World – 2003 – Undercover
Climax Of Hatred – 2005 – Avantgarde
Dictator - A Monument Of Glory – 2009 - Darker Than Black Records
Antitheist – 2015 - Osmose
Napalm For All – 2018 - Osmose

AD Hominem image
The Call, Antithesis, Frangar, Non Essence Genesis, Dead?, Cantus Bestia, D/S/R, F.A.M.A.S., The Ascendant, Punishment Systems²>>KAISER WODHANAZ [JEAN-BAPTISTE]>>The Call, Antithesis, Frangar, Non Essence Genesis, Dead?, Cantus Bestia, D/S/R, F.A.M.A.S., The Ascendant, Punishment Systems²




History & Biography
The band was founded in 1998. Ad Hominem was a solo act created by Kaiser. The project began in France and moved to Italy. The band was billed as black metal, but attracted accusations of fascism and other stupidity. The first demo was Omnes Ad Unum in 2000. The band signed with a NAZI label and issued its debut. A split with Cantus Bestiae followed. Its cover hinted at NAZI imagery. There was a Mayhem cover. More fascist imagery and lyricism followed on A New Race For A New World. Multiple splits followed including one with Canadian racist band Geimhre. Darker than Black Records was another run-of-the-mill racist label. France-based AD Hominem had an album called Napalm For All through Osmose Productions in 2018.

Kaiser Wodhanaz works with live and studio musicians as needed. The sole member is not necessarily serious about this act and routinely plays in a dozen other projects.



AD Hominem