History & Biography While Order From Chaos had always struggled to find popularity outside select fanzines, the direct-from-Morbid Angel approach of follow up band Angel Corpse was an instant underground hit. Formed in 1995, a demo Goats To Azazel was taped in 1996. With Osmose interested, the band recruits a second guitarist (Taylor), releases its debut and sets out to tour with Vital Remains and Impaled Nazarene for three weeks in Europe. At the height of its success, the band disbanded because of Helmkamp's frustrations with the scene, organizers, Satyricon and other issues. Iron, Blood and Blasphemy was a post break up 'rarities' release by Osmose trying to make a little more money from a defunct band. The band, featuring drummer Gina Ambrosio, came back in 2006 and was working on two new albums for Osmose Productions! The reunited band recruited J.R. Daniels formerly of Cattle Decapitation to play drums on the band's U.S. tour. Drummer Paul Collier of Ornament Of Disgrace joined in 2008. The group was lined up for a European tour with Arkhon Infaustus and Revenge. Blasphemic Cruelty of guitarist Gene Palubicki issued Devil's Mayhem in late 2008 through Angelcorpse label Osmose Productions. In advance of recording an upcoming EP the band announced the recruiting of drummer Warhead from Greece. The new man was formerly in Naer Mataron and Embrace Of Thorns. The band called it a day in 2009 following personal and musical differences between the two main members. Guitarist Gene Palubicki formed Perdition Temple. The group was looking for a singer and a deal.
Morbid Angel. - Ali "The Metallian"
'We are back on Osmose and haven’t missed a beat,' assert the band and the cover art and the one and half minute opener Credo Decimatus try to make everybody take notice of that as well. Antichrist Vanguard follows and is as straightforward an example of (American) blackened death metal as one can get. The famous Morbid Angel influence is still clearly apparent and goes as far as the flat production, however this and the consistency of the songs give Of Lucifer And Lightning an Incantation feel as well. Machinery Of The Cleansing, as most songs here, features very short solos which all serve to somewhat alleviate the uniformity of the production. In addition, there are ultra-fast guitar riffs and snarling vocals, which abound on tracks like Hexensabbat, Extermination Sworn, Saints Of Blasphemy, Thrall, Shining One (Rex Luciferi) and Lustmord. This release’s impact would be many orders higher if it had a better production that featured a sharp guitar sound and distinguished well between instruments but as such it is a collection of nine songs held back. - Anna Tergel