Libertus – 2012 - Kyrck Productions & Armour

Aptorian Demon image
Antares Predator, Keep Of Kalessin>>GHASH/STORHETSVANVIDDETS MESTER [MAGNUS HJERTAAS]>>Keep Of Kalessin

Antares Predator>>Warach [Øyvind Westrum]>>Keep Of Kalessin, Antares Predator – Kaos - Keep Of Kalessin, Mare, Celestial Bloodshed>>GHASH/STORHETSVANVIDDETS MESTER [MAGNUS HJERTAAS]>>Keep Of Kalessin, Mare, Celestial Bloodshed

Keep Of Kalessin>>Warach [Øyvind Westrum]>>Keep Of Kalessin - STORHETSVANVIDDETS MESTER [[MAGNUS HJERTAAS]

Keep Of Kalessin, Chton, Headspin, Goat The Head>>Vyl [Vegar Larsen]>>Keep Of Kalessin, Headspin, Goat The Head, Whoredom Rife, Syning, Gorgoroth, From The Vastland, Vemod – Mare, One Tail, One Head>>SUNDLI [ØYVIND SUNDLI]>>Mare, One Tail, One Head, Beyond Man - Gionata Potenti

History & Biography
Inspired by the name of a demon from Malazan Book Of The Fallen, this band was a black metal one that was first heard through the Angst, Jammer Og Fortvilelse single of 2005. The title track was also placed on a split with Slagmaur in 2007. The 2005 single was meant to be the first part of a trilogy. Bassist Morpheas of Naer Mataron joined the band. Bassist Luctus of Mare was with the band for a year next.

It took the band five years, but a full-length did emerge courtesy of Kyrck Productions & Armour, which had worked with Mares as well. Drummer Thorns/Gionata Potenti of Enthroned came and went as well.

The band was joined by KK of Gjendød and the band promised a new album as of 2020.



Aptorian Demon