History & Biography Tokyo/Yokohama-based Arise In Stability is an extreme metalcore band with progressive tendencies. The band was formed in 2004 and issued a demo called Over Humanity in 2006. As Actual As A Desire followed a year later. A disc called Creation Of Ruin was issued in 2009 featuring the sole song. The band signed with Japan’s Last Fort and then issued 2011’s The Future That Amnesiac Draws. A video for Creation Of Ruin Was shot. The band performed shows with Yankee band Veil Of Maya. Mizuno announced a one-year trip to Canada pushing the band into hiatus beginning in 2013. In fact, he practically never returned to the fold.
The Heretic's Proof was a 2015 split release with Angagement and The Rabies. Dose Again was a 2020 full-length through Last Fort, which had issued the split. Hiraga had joined in 2016 and left in the summer of 2020 following the band’s album release shows in Tokyo and Osaka.