Prosincova Noc Blize Neurčeného Roku - 1992 - Monitor
Příjezd krále... - 1995 - Happy Music
Vchod Do Kruhu - 1999 - Avik
Na Jehlach - 2000 - Avik
Past Na Davida Kleinera - 2014 - Magick Disk
Oko Horovo - 2017 - Magick Disk
Pobřeží Královny Marie - 2023 - Magick Disk

Asmodeus image

A+>>MILOŠ BEŠTA>>A+ - Fata Morgana, Ferat>>Otakar G. Husakroku>>Ferat - A+>>Tomáš Bešta>>A+ - Mortifilia>>FRANTIŠEK KNETL>>Mortifilia

Tomas Kocian - A+>>Milan Pózel>>A+ - Promises>>DALIBOR HIRIČ

Daniel Vilášek - A+>>Vladimír Horký>>A+ - ROMAN HOUŠKA

History & Biography
A rather popular band in the Czech Republic to start, the thrashers have multiple albums to their name. The act was founded as a thrash metal act in 1987. Members were changing monthly. Guitarist Miloš Bešta also took over the vocals in 1989 and has become the mainstay of the act.

The band was on Monitor's Ultrametal II sampler. Sabat V Carnegie Hall was a 2003 demo. Řetěz Kritických Událostí was a 2006 demo. The 2006 line-up constituted a side-project called A+ to play hard rock. The band's Muka Existence release of 2008 contained a CD and a DVD with a wealth of material. IT commemorated 20 years of existence. The band was on hiatus until Past Na Davida Kleinera. The membership had gone another upheaval in 2011, but has found its footing since. There was a long break after and Pobřeží Královny Marie arrived in 2023.

The band has played some 250 gigs, which is amazing given how they have been in Czech Republic mostly. In the Talmudic mythology, Asmodeus is the king of the demons. He must also be the god of fertility and proliferation because every country has at least one band by the name.


