Inflicted System>>BATTLE BRATT>>Inflicted System - USA

Battle Bratt - 1989 - US Metal
Forged In Steel - 2007 - SuBmerged

Battle Bratt image
Jim Kane - Anthony 'Odessa' Bouray - JIM KANE

Kabang>>BILL KANIA>>Kabang - BiggMouth, Mike Mostert>>Michael R. Mostert>>BiggMouth, Mike Mostert

Kabang>>ROB DEXTER>>Kabang

Body Clock, Controlled Bleeding, Inflicted System, OHM, Skin Chamber>>MATT C. AGHETI>>Body Clock, Controlled Bleeding, Inflicted System, OHM, Skin Chamber

History & Biography
New York's Battle Bratt was an obscure US power metal band, which appeared on the Speed Metal Hell sampler with the song Henchman. The band had already shed singer Chris Galipolli who had performed on the 1984 demo. The band got back together for a 20th anniversary reunion CD in 2005. Both the 1985 and 1989 line-ups were reuniting for a new CD entitled Seed Of The Universe. The band was also re-releasing its 1989 self-titled CD which was originally co-produced by Dave DeFeis of Virgin Steele and Chris "Doctor Metal" Bubacz. Several members lived in different parts of America at this time. The re-united band announced in late 2005 it would issue an album called Seed Of The Universe in 2006 through Battle Cry Records. Jim Kane rejoined the band in early 2006!

The group issued a sampler disc and considered changing its name to Inflicted System in order to reflect its more modern musical approach better. Nonetheless, the old monicker independently issued an album in 2007.



Battle Bratt