History & Biography The band was founded in Calgary, Canada as White Noise in 1983. Calgary is better known for cowboys, right-wing mentality and animal cruelty. These thrashers hailed from Calgary and played the type of manic thrash appealing to fans of DRI and early Suicidal Tendencies. Pobran was the drummer between 1984 and 1989. Chris Banting, who replaced Pobran, was the latter's music student. Pobran had taught Banting when the latter was a child. Yauk also left in 1989. Tell Tale Heart was a 1985 independent 7". Shane Connelly at In Ear in Calgary recorded it. The band was heard on the Complete Death compilation of Death Records in 1986. The featured song was Deadly Messages. The band was also heard on Skaterock Volume 3 in 1987. The band's full-length was recorded by Bill Metoyer in Los Angeles. The LP omitted the band members’ names in order to assert a certain anonymity. A 1996 compilation was called Repossessed 1985-1989 and featured all the band's recorded material. The band reappeared for reunion shows.