Bravery, Truth And The Endless Darkness - 2014 - High Roller
The Siege - 2019 - High Roller
Where Gods Live And Men Die - 2024 - High Roller

Capilla Ardiente image
Mourners Lament, Vein, Solstice, Procession, Nifelheim, Deströyer 666, Scald, Crank>>FELIPE PLAZA KUTZBACH>>Vein, Solstice, Procession, Nifelheim, Deströyer 666, Scald, Crank

Temple, Aganice, Verbimus, Insorcist, Trueno, Atomic Aggressor, Magnanimus>>JULIO BÓRQUEZ>>Insorcist, Magnanimus, Atomic Aggressor, Magnanimus - Garbage Breed, Atomic Noise Machine, Poema Arcanvs>>IGOR LEIVA>>Poema Arcanvs

Atomic Noise Machine, Poema Arcanvs, Procession>>CLAUDIO "BOTARREX" BOTARRO NEIRA>>Procession

Procession, Ghoulish Ascent, Kratherion, Hell’s Veins, Attacker Bloody Axe, Black Ceremonial Kult>>FRANCISCO AGUIRRE>>Procession, Ghoulish Ascent, Hell’s Veins, Attacker Bloody Axe, Kratherion, Black Ceremonial Kult

History & Biography
The band was founded by songwriter Claudio Botarroa Neira in Santiago, the capital of Chile in 2006. Singer Felipe was a roadie for Claudio’s Poema Arcanvs previously. Two tracks and 25 minutes constituted the band’s 2009 demo, Solve Et Coagula. The underlying principles of alchemy, dissolve and congeal, appear on the arms of baphomet.

The epic doom metal band released a full-length through High Roller in 2014. It was called Bravery, Truth And The Endless Darkness. The record was planned for 2011 and then 2012, but consistently delayed partly due to work on a Procession album. Drummer Alvaro Llanquitruf joined for live work in 2015. Capilla Ardiente and Evangelist had a cover versions' split release through Doomentia Records. The quintet was booked for Denmark’s Heavy Days In Doomtown IV. The tradition of long songs continued with 2019’s The Siege. Where Gods Live And Men Die was supported through a video for the song As I Lie On The Summit. Igor Leiva, who had joined in 2014, produced it. The band announced a mini-tour of Chile.

In this band every member is engaged in half a dozen other side-projects Plaza moved to Sweden in the early days.

‘Capilla ardiente’ is Spanish for lying in repose. This is the tradition where the dead body of a person of some status is made available for public viewing.



Capilla Ardiente