History & Biography Not the first Cardiac Arrest on planet earth, these Chicago gore metal fiends were formed circa 1997 AD. With Edward Baugh on drums and Johnny Dove on guitar, Adam Scott recorded a 2004 demo called Heart Stopping Death Rot. Having added a drummer full-time the group issued another demo. It was called Death ROTted Promo 2005 and released in... 2005. A 7” called Beast Among Many came in 2007 before the group transitioned to full-lengths. Tom “Terror” Knizner was added in 2006 during the recording of Morgue Mutilations. Ibex Moon Records signed Cardiac Arrest in 2010. The band's third full-length album, Haven For The Insane, was recorded a year earlier at Kai Kauffman's Polymorph Media Studio and was scheduled for release on May 25th. The Chicago-based death metal band was back with its fourth full-length in May of 2012. It was called Vortex Of Violence and out through Ibex Moon. USA-based Cardiac Arrest had an album called A Parallel Dimension Of Despair through Memento Mori on 23.04.2018. ...In Rotten Retrospect was a 2021 compilation. The Stench Of Eternity, which was released through Hells Headbangers in May 2024, received the digital treatment through Records DK/Distrokid.
So many pre-supplied phrases here describe these American brutal death metallers that this could be a reviewer’s dream. Cardiac Arrest! Haven For The Insane! Insanity’s Grip! Paralyzed With Fear! Embrace The Aftermath! Twitching At The Noose and, of course, Rage On... Fuck Off! This review almost writes itself.
Cardiac Arrest is hell of a fierce proposition with nothing whatsoever in terms of compromise. The twelve tracks on offer, which are augmented by a bonus song and a video footage, are alternately down-tuned crushing metal and blasting speedy numbers which follow a mix of US death and Bolt Throwerish riffing until song number six hits and the band clones the music of Grave’s debut album. Could this be an inside joke? The vocalist is a roaring beast (or it might all simply be a recording of someone barfing after a visit to KFC) and the leads both existent and crazy. The artwork follows the gory path of Cannibal Corpse and barely leaves anything wanting in that space.
If Cardiac Arrest were taught in medical school, it would be under the Advanced Death course curriculum. - Ali “The Metallian”