History & Biography This band was formed in Oxon in south central England in 2004. The band issued the Legion demo (the band called it a “mini album”) in June of 2005. The group soon signed a deal with Casket Records. The Killing Has Begun debut was released in April of 2006, although the group issued a DVD called Faith Of Fear in the meanwhile. Dave Andrews replaced guitarist Dom Mather at the end of 2006. The band snagged the support slot for Saxon and Masterplan in the UK in 2007. Chokehold did not make it to the first show however due to transportation snafus. An album called Sweet Sense Of Genocide was recorded in 2007 for a 2008 release. The demo was issued in the spring of 2008 and the band disappeared.
Paterson - who used an old Cozy Powell drum kit - would be on loan to Blaze in 2007.
You have got to be kidding me. This is terrible. The band might excuse this sloppy mess with a “this is the debut” routine, but Chokehold would need to improve consistently on the next sixteen albums before it becomes even average. Casket Music has yet another snafu on its hands. The label will soon unite with its own name if things do not improve very quickly, although why the label calls the band “Nu Metal” is also unclear. Chokehold is just plain bad heavy metal. Perhaps the record company figures mallcore fans are used to trash and it can simply lump this lot in with the rest of that scene’s refuse and push a few copies out of the door.
The Killing Has Begun - cliché-ridden title says it all - kicks off with the obligatory instrumental introduction before song one Shadow Of Eagles. The song sets up the album as well as any given the lack of individuality or ideas here. Aside from the problem with the weak sound and fuzzy production, the tracks suffer from a lack of ideas, tightness and redeeming factors. The vocals of Graham are a cross between Rob Zombie and Chuck Billy and as annoying as they come. The frontman lacks the range or personality to make anything work and adds suffering atop the indifferent songs. His growls are ineffectual and exaggerated. The album’s rare moments of interest arrive on Mocking Liberty and on Forgotten where one of the guitarists delivers an interesting mini-lead. Music like this condemned British bands of the '90s, like Cancer, The Reign and Gomorrah to oblivion, which is where Chokehold is heading. - Ali “The Metallian”