Christ Hate - 2009 - Negativity

Christ Hate image
Cast The Stone>>LORD BUZZSAW [DEREK ENGEMANN]>>Cast The Stone


Cast The Stone, Unmerciful, Cattle Decapitation, Neuraxis>>LORD BUZZSAW [DEREK ENGEMANN]>>Cast The Stone, Unmerciful, Cattle Decapitation, Neuraxis, China Girl, Philip H. Anselmo & The Illegals, Pantera, Stormruler

Origin, Viral Load, Unmerciful, Insidious Decrepancy, Vile Penance>>JAMES KING>>Unmerciful, Insidious Decrepancy, Vile Penance, Urethral

History & Biography
Topeka, Kansas is an unlikely setting for a black metal band, but that is the domicile for Christ Hate and Lord Buzzsaw. The band issued its debut in late 2009. Buzzsaw also joined Cattle Decapitation in 2010.


“I have filled my heart... with HATE.”
The Christ Hate album arrived in the same package as the Evil God - see a pattern already? - mini-album but, while both discs profess a blasphemy, the methods could not be any more different. Evil God was experimental and used a variety of metal styles. Christ Hate is heads-down all business... and business is brutal break-neck blackness. The band’s music is Scandinavian-tinged raging black metal that groups like Marduk and Gorgoroth specialize in. The vocals are subterranean and gutter-breath. The lyrics are more in the Deicide mode. Not bothered with subtleties Christ Hate’s words are as straightforward as the band’s name. That is quite a feat for a band from the USA, much less the Mid-West. The vocals are wild - love the shriek on Weak-minded Imbeciles for example - and the drumming leaves little to be desired. The guitarist is more than adequate in the rhythm department, but the band could have learnt from Deicide and used some equally wild soloing. Strangely, Hypnos Satanas shows that the band’s guitarist can throw a fine lead part should he want to do so.
Not sure how these gentlemen get away with it in the land of the free and home of the censored, but support they require. The music is crushing, the lyrics explosive and the disc does come with a foldout mini-poster that could use some photocopying and dissemination. Now that would be entertaining.
Standout tracks: Jesus Is... And Forsaken. - Anna Tergel


Christ Hate