Chromium Rose>>Croming Rose>>CHROMING ROSE - GERMANY

Louis XIV - 1990 - EMI
Garden Of Eden - 1991 - EMI
Pressure - 1992 - EMI
Art Works Live Now - 1995 - Miez
New World - 1995 - Miez
Insight- 1999 - Miez

Chroming Rose image
Stranger>>Gerd Salewsky - TOM REINERS

P.O.F.>>S.C. WULLER>>P.O.F. - Matthias Matze Mende - Stranger>>RIKKI RIEGER>>Stranger


Overdose>>TINO MENDE

History & Biography
The German heavy/speed metal band was formed by two brothers as Chromium Rose in 1985 and toured Europe in 1990 with Liar, UDO and Pink Cream 69. The early singer was Headstone and Veto's Harald "Orä" Liebhäuser . Born To Destroy was a 1988 demo. The debut was re-recorded after the band switched from Disaster (which issued a single) to EMI and the major label opted to invest to improve the recording. Matthias Mende left in 1990 after succumbing to the bottle. The band changed singers for the live album. In 1999 the band released The Gift which was a special package featuring Insight and an EP entitled Private. The act split up in 2002 after releasing Insight, which saw the band go into a pop/rock direction not too far in style from Alice In Chains.



Chroming Rose