For Moments Never Done - 2009 - Suburban/The End

Cirrha Niva image
Ominous Dusk, Ulcerate Fester, Voices, Gracious Souls, Ominous Dusk, Liquid Baby, Keyser Soze, Sezpool>>Legrand [Michel Degroot]>>Ominous Dusk, Keyser Soze, Sezpool

Brainwashing, Legiah, Crystal Lake>>Carlo Heefer>>Dies Irrae - ROB WILLEMSE

Daniël Hujiben>>The 11th Hour

M-Bush>>Tommy White

History & Biography
Formed in 1993 the band has issued a series of independent demos through its own Parnassus Records despite its relative success. 2009’s For Moments Never Done was finally given a release by The End Records in America. The band plays a progressive style of heavy metal with theatrics and stage symbolism. Its independent releases include 1993’s Aligierhis Roots, 1997’s The Mirror World Dimension, 1999’s Enter The Future Exit and 2001’s Liaison De La Morte, which was a rock opera. Legrand joined in 2007 in tandem with a more compact band sound and image that abandoned much of the theatrics and goth. The band decided against a name change however. Cirrha Niva drummer Tommy White was forced to leave the band due to health problems. Temporary drummer Eelco Van Der Meer, who had played many of the recent gigs, would help out for the time being. Candidates were to contact the band at cirrhaniva [at] The band recruited drummer Wiebe Slim (ex-Melora Rain) in June of 2010. Carlo briefly left in 2012. Out of the Freakshow was a 2016 demo. Legrand left in 2021 leaving the band without a singer. The band was still auditioning singers two years later. Guitarist Rob was running Construction Records as of 2024.

The band has toured with Pain Of Salvation whose members have even roadied for the Dutch group and guested on its Liaison album. Former Cirrha Niva bassist Liselotte Hegt married Pain Of Salvation bassist Kristoffer Gildenlow in 2003.


Band name, CD name and the natural landscape on the cover smell of art. The band is indeed artsy and full of originality and dynamism. Cirrha Niva, however, has improved and become a listenable and serious band. This is a progressive and original band that is still experimenting without the need to bore the pants off a metal fan. The band does not wish to be silly anymore either. In other words, For Moments Never Done is progressive, but not retarded. Gone is the goth and the sound is instead a combination of Meshuggah, Pain Of Salvation, Anacrusis and Threshold. It all starts with a sample and a crazy scream. There are female vocals, acoustic guitars and even a saxophone (on Spring Before Winter), but there is real good material included too. Of course, the detritus loses points for a band that could have and should have known better. Framed could have come from a '70s Scorpions opus for instance. That is how organic this material is. There is a song about the territories Israel has stolen and occupied from Syria called Golan Heights. Apparently, the band has a political bent as well. For Moments Never Done is something different, yet very interesting and compelling. Write to the band at or visit - Anna Tergel


Cirrha Niva