Kill II This>>CITY OF GOD>>Kill II This - UK

A New Spiritual Mountain - 2005 - Requiem

City Of God image
1000 Points Of Hate, Xentrix>>SIMON GORDON>>Hellfighter

Foxx, Sacrosanct, China Beach, Kill II This>>MARK MYNETT> Ayin Aleph

Dearly Beheaded>>TIM PRESTON

China Beach, Requiem, Blaze, Paradise Lost>>JEFF SINGER>>Paradise Lost, Soldierfield, My Dying Bride

History & Biography
Manchester's City Of God featured several familiar names from the UK scene. The band was formed in the autumn of 2004 and recorded its debut in the winter of 2005. The album was produced by guitarist Mark Mynett at his Mynetaur Studio. Videos were shot for the songs God Kills America and When Broken Glass Floats. Following the recording of the album Singer hit the road with his other band, Paradise Lost.

The band was called Kill II This initially and reformed as such in 2014. Mark Mynett was in a band called Requiem and the group’s sole album was on an imprint called the same.


City Of God was built only a year ago. The inhabitants, however, are veterans and have a lot of history behind them. Formed, staffed and produced by former and current members of Paradise Lost, Xentrix, Blaze, Dearly Beheaded and Kill II This the new English band is an exercise in contradiction given the dichotomy in its standards in the instruments and vocal departments. In contrast to the inspiring and aggressive riffing, laudable soloing, strong sound - the snare sound and guitar tone stand out - and powerful songs, the singing suffers from a trendy and lamentable vocal performance borrowed from the scene's worst wimp-outs. The commercial and sanitized clean chanting has been done to death by bands looking to gain MTV and Kerrang exposure - always unsuccessfully one might add. As silly as the pop singing is the music hits hard. The title track, Vatican Assassin and others are proof of Mark Mynett's ability on the guitar.
The album is diversified with an acoustic track called Hiding In The Light, Pink Floyd-ish Stigmata and something that could have been on the film A Clockwork Orange. The band does not pick easy lyrical stances either given the aforementioned titles and a song like God Kills America. Despite that, A New Spiritual Mountain is a prime delivery spot for a karoke machine. - Ali "The Metallian"


City Of God