History & Biography This doom metal act was formed in southern England in 2008. A demo was released in the same year. It was called Welcome To The Brotherhood Of The Crown. Kevin Lawry was the only member. Two years later Shadow Kingdom issued a full-length for the band called Visions Of The Haunted. Drummer Darin McCloskey, of Falcon and Pale Divine, later joined the band. The band became simply Kevin Lawry in 2016.
It really did sound like a one-man doom band and, as it turns out, it is a one-man doom band. There is little that is atrocious or vomit-inducing about Crowned In Earth. Yet, the act has little reason for existence. The riffs are workmanlike and competent, but they are cloned from better bands and unoriginal. The word here is 'staid.' The vocals are uneven and out of tune invoking little emotional validity. The music starts well enough, but the sound is clearly that of a drum machine. The organs water it all down. Artificial doom, military intelligence, clean coal, etc. Who can say that makes any sense? The album’s best moment comes on track four, Miles I Walk, but that is because the riff is lifted directly from Candlemass. Speaking of which, while this track is four-minutes long, the other four are seven minutes or longer. Being a one-man act much of the material is instrumental. This band can disappear off the face of the planet and no one would notice. - Ali “The Metallian”