Ashore The Celestial Burden - 1992 - Massacre
Diana Read Peace - 1993 - Massacre
Midnight In The Void - 2016 - Independent
Where Oceans Collide - 2018 - Massacre
Acid River - 2022 - Massacre

Dark Millennium image
Christian Mertens>>Soul For Sale - Soul For Sale>>CHRISTIAN MERTENS

Soul For Sale>>MICHAEL BURMANN>>Soul For Sale - Cherub, Rape>>HILTON THEISSEN>>Cherub, Rape

Jörg Dinstühler - Torrent, Despair>>Klaus Pachura - GERALD KUKULENZ

Cherub>>Christoph Hesse>>Cherub - Cocklick Airport>>ANDRE SCHALTENBERG

History & Biography
The German death metal unit was formed early 1989 by the rhythm team of Hesse and Theissen - who later come together in Cherub. The band's first real output is the Apocryphal Wisdom tape which has many thrash metal elements. The Of Sceptre Their Ashes May Be demo follows and brings the band to the attention of the German up start Massacre Records. The band's debut promised a good future for the band, but further style changes doomed the band early and with negative reactions to Diana... all bets were off.

Well, not quite. As is mandatory by law on the metal scene, Dark Millennium returned in 2016. Midnight In The Void was a 2016 demo. Christoph Hesse was part of the reformation, but left the stool in 2017. Massacre signed the band and released Where Oceans Collide in 2018. Acid River was released in 2022. Midnight In The Void was also re-released by Massacre. A video for Threshold supported the band. The act was booked for the Hymns Of Decay Fest in 2023 and proceeded to work on a new record.



Dark Millennium