You'll Never Know Pleasure... - 1995 - Poserslaughter
V.I.P. - 1998 - Poserslaughter
Whorehouse Of The Freaks - 2006 - Obliteration
In The Bondage Of Vice - 2009 - War Anthem
For Lovers Of The New Bizarre - 2011 - Grind Block
Hardnaked...But Dead - 2011 - FDA Rekotz
A Dirty Mind Is A Joy Forever – 2017 - FDA Rekotz

Dead image
Necropsy>>DANY BAUMER DEAD>>Necropsy


Deadlock>>Uwe Dead [Uwe Stolze]>>Deadlock - VOLKER DEAD

Deadlock>>Peter Kruegel>>Deadlock - ALI DEAD

History & Biography
Despite being described by its label as, "this is for total wimps only!!!", Dead is the quintessential German underground band releasing pure death metal with as much commercial potential as an American car dealer in Tokyo. The band also released a split CD with the Swedish grinders Regurgitate in 1994. Their part of their 1994 split with Regurgitate was planned to be the debut full-length album at first. With the release of V.I.P. (not featuring a band member on the cover), the band simultaneously announced its dissolution. As farewell a 'Best Of' CD with the band's rare singles and compilations songs was promised. Poserslaughter Records announced the re-release of Dead's You'll Never know Pleasure album for 2005. The label later announced that it is issuing a CD entitled Remasters featuring songs from different Dead releases.

FDA Rekotz was issuing Hardnaked...But Dead! By a reformed Dead on November 18th, 2011. It was the second album that year by the band.

The Korporation announced a reissue of the 1995 Dead debut, You'll Never Know Pleasure... for CD and LP on Sep.03, 2021.


Who knew the brilliantly-named German label Poserslaughter is still active? Evidently, the label that brought us great grinding early-'90s releases by Necrony and others is still a going concern and true to form presents the farewell release of the German grinders Dead. The definition of a 'cult' band, the removal of the band's regular logo from the cover and the drum machine on the album opener First Indications Of... had me concerned, but Dead is still at it, delivering true grindeath. The appearance of the band's trademark female specimen on the cover should have had me reassured. Musically, the band still can't deliver a skillful drum beat if its life depended on it and they sure throw hook and melody to the wind, but compensate by grinding their instruments to the max. If you have ever liked Dead, or ever liked art as delivered by the likes of Impetigo or early Pungent Stench then V.I.P. has come in the nick of time for you. Put on your 'I eat Anathema members for lunch' T-shirts, run to the best record store in town and pick up the album with the girl bearing the 'I Live To Be Loved By Metallian' shirt on its cover. That's your ticket. - Ali "The Metallian"

Poserslaughter Records has returned and re-introduces everybody to their classic releases of the ”˜90s. Through some remastering and presenting of an improved sound one of the products they ended up with is this 90 minute compilation of Dead’s material. If one looks at the band’s picture one can never guess the style but other imagery on the CD featuring semi nude women in chains which certainly make it easy to presume that Dead is of the porn death grind variety. A 1991 7", the eight tracks appearing on a split with Regurgitate and the 1995 album You’ll Never Know Pleasure - Until You’ve Tasted Pain are all here and with titles like For Lovers Of New Bizarre and Receive My Golden Shower and Body Fluids Are My Favorite Fetish, all featuring various samples of women moaning it is pretty clear what to expect from the Germans. - Anna Tergel

