Debris Inc. - 2005 - Rise Above

Debris Inc. image

Tyrant, Saint Vitus>>DAVE CHANDLER>>Saint Vitus

Trouble, Behemoth, Tourniquet, Wet Animal, Jim Martin, Mustache, Goatsnake, Novembers Doom, Place Of Skulls>>RON HOLZNER>>Trouble, Novembers Doom, Place Of Skulls, The Skull, Retro Grave, Earthen Grave, Legion Of Doom, Legions Of Doom

Zoetrope, Trouble, Cathedral, Septic Tank>>Barry Stern

History & Biography
Debris Inc. was formed as Debris in 2000 by Trouble's Ron Holzner and Chandler of Saint Vitus. The band soon recruited Karyn Crisis and Afzaal Nasiruudeen of Skullsick Nation and Crisis for a while. Former Trouble drummer Stern would join, leave and return in time for the debut album - which arrived three years after it was promised. In the meantime, a demo called Happy Violent Drunken Stoner Punk Doom was released in 2004. The group would be signed by England's Rise Above Records and would get its debut released in the USA by Candlelight. By the time of the release of the debut the band had already played the Templars Of Doom, Emissions Of The Monolith and the Milwaukee Metal festivals. Stern left the mortal coil in 2005. He had died after a surgery to his hip. The band toured Europe and USA in 2005. The USA dates were partly make-up dates as the band had cancelled earlier gigs blaming Candlelight for a lack of support. The band toured the USA in March 2006 before heading to Europe for a tour that included a stop at Doom Shall Rise Festival. Jimmy Bower of Eyehategod was also drumming for the act part-time. The band officially disbanded in 2008.


With an intro called Too Many Mushrooms On My Pizza one must know what to expect from Debris Inc. This release however is somewhat surprising musically. As early as the first full track Fuckin’ Mess one hears Saint Vitus, Kyuss and Trouble. Perhaps expecting more of the same throughout what follows the listener might be surprised that tracks like The Nightmare, The Life and Times Of Claude And Elmo, Shut Up and Jumkbak are very punkish and sometimes at a relatively fast tempo. The inclusion of Fear’s I Love Living In The City adds a further punk element to this album. However, the high tempo is interrupted throughout this 17 track release by the likes of The Old Man And His Bong and Pain that sound more like '70s Black Sabbath tracks complete with vocals struggling to sound like Ozzy. It is also worth noting that ears and speakers will need protection when listening to Sickening Thud which after an initial ear damaging start ventures into Venom territory.
The lyrics contain the usual sense of humour that titles like I Feel Like Shit Again and The Ballad of Debris suggest. An unusual release that does indeed work best to listen to this when one is medicated which also happens to be an apt title for track six You’re The Reason I’m Medicated. - Anna Tergel


Debris Inc.