History & Biography The band’s debut album appeared on Immortal Records. Metal Mind Productions re-issued it two years later. The band’s follow-up album was released through Demonic. The third album came at us courtesy of Empire Records. This disc was issued a year later by Crash Music.
The Polish version of Demise was given birth in 1995 and released the Outcome Of... demo a year later. The group features three Enter Chaos members, which implies that roughly eight percent of that band is in Demise as well. James Murphy, who also contributed a guitar lead to the song Unjust, mastered Torture Garden. Metal Mind reissued the album in April of 2008. It was mixed and mastered by James Murphy.
On the one hand, Poland’s Demise might come across as bland and ordinary, one of many in the mass of death metal wanna-bes, but listen closer and several interesting and distinctive traits rear their metallic heads. Working off a base of brutal metal, the quartet injects plenty of speed and brutality into the mix, albeit with a touch of colour. The band, whose sound is inspired by the Florida death metal of yore, has clean vocals, a co-production courtesy of James Murphy and the obligatory experimental track to close its album, Never Ending Pain. The lead guitars do the band a lot of service as does the guest spot by Murphy on the song Unjust. The samples, chants and the violin (and the experimental song) would have been better off not on the album, but many good songs, including lots of speed and heavy riffing remain. - Ali “The Metallian"