Acts Of Rage - 2003 - Spitzenburg
Domain - 2007 - Deity Down
Vision - 2009 - Deity Down

Devious image
Pernicious, Altar, Burning Hatred, Skeletor, Victimizer, Bleeding Gods>>ARNOLD OUDE MIDDENDORP>>Altar, Burning Hatred, Skeletor, Victimizer, Bleeding Gods, Bloodphemy, Bloodsin

Escutcheon>>GUIDO DE JONGH>>Escutcheon - WOUTER HUITEMA

Death Squad, Dark Conspiracy>>Sven Van Toorn – Escutcheon, Cromm Cruac>>DANIËL CENTIAGO>>Escutcheon

Irmin, Altar>>FRANK SCHILPEROORT>>Irmin, Altar, Occumancy, Funerus, The Monolith Deathcult, Dictated, Incantation, Soulemission, Diabolical, Grand Supreme Blood Court, Shining, Haliphron, The Scarlet Claw, Veile, Occumancy

History & Biography
Devious came from the east of The Netherlands from which bands like Altar hail. The band was formed in 1998 by Frank (drums) and Guido (guitar). The band was originally a thrash metal act influenced by Slayer and Testament, but drifted to death metal with the passage of time. A demo was issued in the spring of 2002. The Devious demo showcased the band's new line-up and death metal sound. The band entered Ground Zero Studio in late 2002 and recorded its debut. The CD was released by Spitzenburg Records in the summer of 2003.

Arnold Middendorp was also active in another Spitzenburg Records band, namely Altar. Another album came in early 2007 followed by a third in August of 2009. Singer Arnold Oudemiddendorp had returned from a sabbatical in the winter of 2008. Wolfhagen was a 2012 demo and so the band announced it would throw in the towel in 2014. A farewell gig was scheduled for 24th of May 2014. De Jongh died in 2023.


Acts Of Rage is a good name for a death metal album. The Dutch combo hits hard with a thrash-tinged death metal rollercoaster which adds Slayer rhythms to the band's main influences, namely Sinister and Altar. The vocals are gruff, the sound is thick and the emphasis on the mid-pace. The more mundane songs like Harlequin Of Perpetual Destiny are balanced by more action-packed songs like I'll Slice You Into Pieces (told you so!) and Inanimate. Solos are generally shunned and the lyrics are absent, but the bass sound is quite rowdy and the vocalist easy to understand. Should Devious deepen the vocals and add more solos matching the stamina of the main body of the songs, then things will certainly head north for the band. As things stand, this is good, but not great. - Ali "The Metallian"

