History & Biography The band was active between 1992 and 2000 and again beginning 2006. Open Grave Records signed the band in 2006. The Christian band started out in the winter of 1992 with John Greenman (ex-Infested) and T.J. Humlinski (also ex-Infested). In late 2006 the band’s Prisons Of Flesh disc was reissued in its original form plus two new tracks as a bonus to tie fans over for the full-length return of the band in early 2007. The disc was originally a demo from 1999. Greenman left in 2011. He was replaced by Aaron Byrnes who lasted three years.
Forward Through Blood was a 2013 demo. Guitarist and bassist Aaron Byrnes (ex-Mercy Rule) was in the band for several years after 2010. He left due to "creative differences and some personality issues." The band was working on new material. A demo, called Forward Through Blood, appeared in 2013. The band was working on new material and then disappeared.
This is a re-release of the album originally released in 2000 plus an added bonus of two songs presumably included to give a taste of the full-length planned for release soon. The music comes along as a less structured version of Bolt Thrower although this may owe more to the thick guitar sound than anything else. The vocals of TJ Humlinski are standard death metal growl. 'Messages' and lyrics such as 'Lord heal me again....By you alone I swear my life, the living God' are certainly out of place here and one can not really define this as death metal, though the music certainly is, if not ground breaking or original, one form of death metal. On the two newer songs, Serpents Proclaim and Rage Of Angels, the trio has taken a slight turn towards the Scandinavian and has presented a clearer production therefore exposing a clearer impression of their style. On closing it should be pointed out again that while one can certainly appreciate the music lyrics like 'Kingdom supreme...The power of Christ is life' do not fit the musical or vocal presentation. - Anna Tergel