Fallen Heroes - 2002 - Shire
Better Run !!! - 2010 - Escape
V - 2014 - MelodicRock

Ferreira image
Rise And Fall, The Three Little Pigs, Dr. Love, Cartoon, Monkey Bite, Goodbye Thrill, Venturia>>MARCO FERREIRA>>Monkey Bite, Goodbye Thrill, Venturia

Rise And Fall, The Three Little Pigs, Dr. Love, Cartoon, Monkey Bite, Goodbye Thrill, Venturia>>MARCO FERREIRA>>Monkey Bite, Goodbye Thrill, Venturia

Monkey Bite, Cartoon>>Andy Guerra>>Monkey Bite

Monkey Bite>>ALEX FERREIRA>>Monkey Bite

History & Biography
Hailing from the Brazilian metropolis of Rio De Janeiro, Marco Ferreira began playing at age 15. Given a Kramer guitar by his father, he soon began collecting experience with several local acts. He soon relocated to America to attend college and study computer animation where, with his brother in tow, he formed Monkey Bite. Simultaneously, the singer/guitarist worked on melodic hard rock songs of his own which took the form of (Marc) Ferreira the band. The Ferreiras were soon joined by the former AOR band Cartoon bassist Andre Guerra. Come And Get it! was a 2020 release. Baby-7 was a 2023 release.


Fallen Heroes is all Ferreira all the time. Lead by Brazilian singer/guitarist Marc Ferreira, the band also features Marc's brother Alex on drums and is engineered, produced and mixed by Marc. It goes without saying that all the music and lyrics are also the handiwork of Marc. Given such an ego-fest, one would be forgiven for thinking that the proceedings might entail the usual masturbatory crud. Yes, much of this is sappy, but the material is actually quite balanced and respectable. Ferreira is a cross between Honeymoon Suite, White Lion, early Bon Jovi and Journey. There is a focus on melody and the songs are based around the acoustic guitar. The vocals are quite smooth and driven by harmony and backing vocals. Specific songs worth mentioning are Hide Your Face which has a slightly different and groovy start, That's What which is harder and even ventures into Skid Row territory and the very funny outro in the form of a complaint left on (presumably Marc's) voice mail referring to the loud music in the apartment! Fallen Heroes has a good sound, but is recommended only to AOR and fans of hard rock of the softer variety. - Ali "The Metallian"

