History & Biography It takes a noisegrind band to issue as many demos, EPs and split releases as Donald Trump lies to his lemmings in one day, McDonalds sells fat kits in just one morning or as often as a toddler throws a tantrum. The band was founded in 2019, appeared on the scene in 2021 and the Internet has not been the same since. Aaron, Harry and Tim began the mother of all upload campaigns and releases followed faster than Elon Musk conspiracy theory tweets. The partially masked crew had a diverse fan base with everything from MAGA types, as depicted on the cover of the Viper split, to an assortment of local beauties as seen on the Prosthetic Face Split. Fans debated whether the band’s best work was the Mariah Carey cover version or the song Bone Apple Titty. In any case, the band won the annual Anal Cunt Song-A-Thon (honoured with an award for the track Cum Bubbling Rectal Fart) and the Millennium Meat Shits Golden Poo Awards (for the track Rotten Offal Found In The Corner Of A Quebecois Slaughterhouse That Was Shut Down Due To Failing Safety Inspections) almost immediately.
Horror Pain Gore Death decided to issue the fat upper pubic area’s debut full-length Fuckyourface on October 11th 2024. The band was compared to Fulci and Viscera Trail. The act was playing random gigs including Vomit Fest III.