Deadly Fairytales - 1998 - Wicked World
Rock Hell - 2001 - Wicked World

Gandalf image
JARI HURSKAINEN>>The Scourger, Disformed, Denonztrator, Walhalla

TIMO NYBERG>>Divine:Decay, The Scourger – Tenebrae, Coarse, Lullacry>>Sami Vauhkonen>>Lullacry, S-Tool, Ville Laihiala & Saattajat

Airdash>>Kirka Sainio>>Lab - Judgement, Kyyria, Coarse, Jimsonweed, Lullacry>>Kimmo Aroluoma>>Jimsonweed, Blake

Massachra, Coarse, Lullacry, Shaman>>BJÖRN ‘NALLE’ ÖSTERMAN>>Coarse, Shaman, Chaosbreed, Lullacry

History & Biography
Gandalf was formed in 1993 by then-guitarist Nalle Österman. HIM's Mika Karppinen was a session member at a later point. The band released demos with names like Will Life Ever End '93, Cradle and Snakebite. The debut demo's jacket proclaimed, "This is an exclusive fuck Norway, Fuck Underground Publication."

Earache signed them nonetheless (or because of?) and they recorded Deadly Fairytales. The songs were mainly culled from the last two demos. The band found the album too polished and Rock Hell is released three years later with new bassist Kimmo Aroluoma. This album was described by Earache/Wicked World as 'AC/DC meets At The Gates.' Gandalf shot a video for the song Morning Sun.

The band announced its own demise in April of 2002 ostensibly due to being sick of the music business. Nyberg soon joined Divine:Decay. Osterman appeared in Chaosbreed with a couple of Amorphis members. The members celebrated Jari’s fortieth birthday by playing a one-off show in Helsinki in 2013. Since Gandalf and Saruman were wizards in The Lord Of The Rings' books the act billed itself as Saruman Plays Gandalf.


