A Call To Arms - 2002 - Invictus
Realm Of The Damned - 2007 - Invictus

Gospel Of The Horns image
Deströyer 666>>MARK HOWITZER>>Deströyer 666

Deströyer 666, Bestial Warlust, Deathshead, Funerary Pit>>Ryan Marauder>>Deathshead, Funerary Pit - Earth, Anatomy, Hellspawn>>CHRIS MASOCHIST>>Hellspawn

Deströyer 666>>MARK HOWITZER>>Deströyer 666

Antichrist>>Warhammer [Pete Martin]>>Hail Satan - Entasis, Bestial Warlust, Anatomy, Demonreich, Vomitor>>Markus Hellcunt>>Bestial Warlust, Anatomy, Demonreich, Vomitor, Decrepit Soul - Homicide, Zarathustra, Old, Deströyer 666>>CHRIS MENNING>>Zarathustra

History & Biography
G.O.T.H. was formed in 1993 in Brisbane and released the well-titled The Satanists Dream demo in 1995. Italy's Einstand Records pressed the demo onto CD and managed to ruin the layout, place another band's photo in the booklet and generally embarrass itself. Howitzer told an interviewer regarding the members in the mistaken photograph, "Everyone in that photo looked like a pack of faggots!"

G.O.T.H. split up in 1996 after Howitzer and singer Shane Davison had a falling out and Howitzer joined Deströyer 666 in Melbourne and played on that act's Unchain... album. G.O.T.H. is reformed, however, in 1997 with new members and a demo called Sinners, which appeared in 1998. The band signed with the Dutch Damnation label for one mini and a full-length album. The band also released a 7" called Monuments Of Impurity on Morbid Productions.

The November 1999 MLP was called Eve Of The Conqueror and sounded far removed from weak 'goth' trends lest there was any doubt. The band toured Europe in 2000 with acts like Enthroned and Pentacle. Howitzer told Masterful magazine that the band's 2000 tour of Europe involved, "getting chased by huge Negro security" and "Nearly getting stabbed by black drug dealers in Paris because of wearing a S.O.L." A second guitarist called Masochist was added late 2001.

The band signed with Ireland's Invictus and after much delay saw the release of A Call To Arms CD/LP in October of 2002. This album was meant for another label initially. In the meanwhile, a proposed tour with In Aeternum and Bestial Mockery had to be cancelled due to bad timing. The group managed to split up and reform both in January of 2007. An album, Realm Of The Damned, came through Invictus Productions. Gospel Of The Horns announced that it would say goodbye forever with a show on the seventh of December of the year 2008 in Melbourne, Australia. Predictably, the band was performing two shows in The Netherlands in September of 2009.

Ceremonial Conjuration was an EP in 2012. Chris Menning was on drums. 20 Years Of Absolute Power was a compilation of vinyl and tapes in 2016. The band was unofficially dead.


Appropriately released by one of the more underground labels of today, Australia's Gospel... fortunately has nothing to do with their acronym 'goth'. In fact listening to the EP, this is thoroughly metal and this reviewer can only recommend the band to worshipers of extreme underground metal and nobody else. Having undergone some tribulation with false labels, member changes and a long hiatus the trio has delivered a CD which brings to mind both more extreme and modern elements such as Marduk and older thrashier moments such as early Sodom et al. The band mixes things up and while one might think of Motorhead during one solo, the mind veers to Behemoth's stricter moments the next. It's all in the underground though, as mentioned earlier, and it is within context to wonder aloud why the band doesn't have a full length after several EPs. - Ali "The Metallian"


Gospel Of The Horns