History & Biography Hevein was formed in Helsinki as early as 1992 by Hedström and Oksaharju and issued many demos with names like Human, Heartland and Fear Is… A singer called Nico Hartonen would briefly front the band before being replaced by Immonen. The band opened for Stratovarius at home in support of the album. Sound Over Matter was issued in 2005 in Finland and six months later – in the spring of 2006, in the rest of the world. Gentle Anarchy was a 2012 demo and the band bit the dust. Toni Paananen was on drums. Max Lilja left in 2013 and songs were left unfinished. The band threw in the towel in 2014. Two members were in The Silenced.
Max Lilja scored the music for the 2020 short film Astronaut.
Damn you Hevein for attempting to hoodwink the listener with the first few seconds of the album! Sound Over Matter kicks off in fine style with a riff that is pure metal and a good one at that. Just as the ears perk up and the senses prepare for a thrashing metal assault, in come the synthesizers and down the hill the whole charade goes. Hevein, it has to be obvious by now, is a Finnish band. The sextet, one can be sure, assesses itself as a metal band, but it is soon clear that where there could have been metal the Finns give a free rein to pop and goth music with a violin, synthesizers and sordid clean singing a la Soilwork and In Flames. It is not shocking to hear a band sound so crappy for the kids are young and immature and no doubt caught up in the worst Finnish trends of them all. On the other hand, those in the media who promote this tart as metal and give it praise, no doubt in exchange for thirty pieces of silver, give themselves away as clueless at best and betrayers of the cause at worst. Having said that, barring the case of the most recent newcomer fan, most metal fans know that the major glossy magazines and trendy websites know or care as much about metal as Wal-Mart does for quality. There can be no violin, synthesizers or Back Street Boys’ vocals in metal. Lovers of all things Soilwork, Scar Symmetry, Amorphis or, judging by the song Bleed The Day, Pantera may get into this. “I made my choice, you make yours," sings the band. Metal fans will make a choice and shall look elsewhere. - Ali “The Metallian"