Holy Terror>>Shark Chum>>HOLY TERROR - USA

Terror And Submission - 1987 - Under One Flag/MFN
Mind Wars - 1988 - MFN
Live Terror - 2017 - Back On Black

Holy Terror image
Lust>>Keith Deen

Agent Steel, Shark Chum, Load Levelers, Zeke, El Revengo>>Kurt Kilfelt [Kurt Colfelt]>>Shark Chum, Load Levelers, Zeke, El Revengo, Old Dirty Buzzard - Black Widow>>Mike Alvord>>Nature Core, Black Apple Forest, Solo, Mindwars

Thrust>>Floyd Flanary>>Shark Chum, Black Rainbow Denver

Playland>>JOE MITCHELL>>Playland, Reagan Era, Bob Wayne & The Outlaw Carnies

History & Biography
Holy Terror was a California thrash metal band formed by former Agent Steel guitarist Kurt Kilfelt and later former Dark Angel drummer Jack Schwartz in 1985. Alvord was introduced to the rest of the band by Flanary who himself was an earlier friend of Kurt. Deen (ex-Lust) was recruited through an advertisement in a local paper. A demo was issued in 1986 featuring the tracks Black Plague, Distant Calling and Guardians Of The Netherworld. Schwartz would not last long though. He had taken up position as a band leader which had alienated the rest of the group. Kurt had been the mastermind otherwise. The band's highest profile outing was an opening slot in the USA in 1988 for Kreator and DRI. DRI's manager also managed Holy Terror. Other gigs had been opening for Megadeth or The Mentors. The gang was touring Europe soon with Exodus and Nuclear Assault. The band was kicked off the tour when the label found out that the band had signed with Roadracer for the album's US distribution and further for subsequent albums. The band would call it a day soon after Alvord's departure following Mind Wars. The band had played US dates without Kilfelt who had left mid-run of concerts with DRI. The man, now Colfelt, and Flanary would continue as Shark Chum in Seattle. Flanary was originally from Seattle. Shark Chum was more punk. In fact, the band had intended to continue in Seattle as Holy Terror after moving there in 1991, but missed the presence of Keith Deen. Kilfelt would also seek treatment for his drug addiction following his incarceration. Alvod was briefly in Nature Core with his former Black Widow band-mate, Ron.

No surprise, the band reformed in 2006 and announced a local Seattle show. The band featured new vocalist Chris Tretton (of Midnight Idols), guitarists Kurt Colfelt and Matt Fox, bassist Jeff Matz and drummer Joe Mitchell. The band was again gone by 2008. Keith Deen died of cancer in 2012.

In 2014, Holy Terror guitarist Mike Alvord was in a new band called Mindwars. It was named after the Mind Wars album of Holy Terror, which was issued in 1988. Live Terror was a compilation of live material stemming from the 1980s. Kurt would join Old Dirty Buzzard.



Holy Terror