Rock Solid>>ICE AGE - SWEDEN

Breaking The Ice – 2017 - GMR

Ice Age image
Znöwhite, Sentinel Beast>>Debbie Gunn>>Brutal Groove, Sentinel Beast – Idiots Rule>>SABRINA KIHLSTRAND

Warhammer>>Isabella Fronzoni>>Original Sin, Rock Goddess, Self Disgrace - Pia Nystrom>>Idiots Rule – Idiots Rule>>SABRINA KIHLSTRAND>>Idiots Rule – Goatsodomizer, Tyranex>>LINNEA LANDSTEDT>>Tyranex

Vicki Larson>Idiots Rule, Zero Illusions - Idiots Rule, Zero Illusions>>VICKI LARSON

Tina Stromberg – Manimal, Zero Illusions>>ANDRÉ HOLMQVIST>>Manimal, Zero Illusions

History & Biography
Sweden's all-girl heavy/thrash metal band Ice Age featured vocalist and guitarist Sabrina Kihlstrand when formed in Gothenburg in 1985, but replaced her with the more famous Gunn. Several years later the band added Italian guitarist Fronzoni with the said girl supposedly being discovered while hitching a ride with the group's manager in Italy.

The band was constantly featured in the English metal press, with Metal Forces especially giving space to a band which did not have a release behind it - four annual demos excepted. Still, the women were given plenty of live chances in Europe. The band called it a day when pressured to compromise by management, but several members later regrouped in Idiots Rule.

GMR Music announced that ‘80s Swedish power metal band Ice Age was in the studio in late 2016 to record a long-promised debut album. The tentative title was Breaking The Ice. The album was released mid-2017 and incldued multiple re-recordings.



Ice Age