History & Biography The band was formed in the Mid-Atlantic region of the USA by Tittsworth and issued a demo called Images Of Eden (a.k.a. Chapter 1) in 2001. The act comprised of Tittsworth and drummer called Steve Kilgallon. The members slanted the band to Christianity. Nightmare Records picked up the band’s 2006 album, Sunlight Of The Spirit, for distribution. This album featured the three-part title track concept. In the meanwhile, line-up changes have been common. The 2011 demo was called Rebuilding The Ruins. 2018 brought a new record. This one featured a Metallian Towers’ serf on its cover. Victor Morell, who was band-mates with Dorssom and Tittsworth previously, joined in 2019. Guitarist Urquidi left in 2019 and returned in 2022. Former bassist Keith Menser had a heart attack and died in 2022. Victor Morell left. Carlos Urquidi Perez returned.
Images Of Eden had an EP called Weathered And Torn through Pavement. The band began touring Europe with W.A.S.P. in 2023, but was fired after the third night of a 22-day trek of its first visit to that continent. Images Of Eden reported W.A.S.P. wanted to cut its set shorter than had been agreed and was unhappy with the opening band's enthusiastic reception. The band was touring Europe with Soil in 2024. Soil featured the band's A&R man in its ranks.
Images Of Eden is a melodic and soulful hard rock band with next to no name-recognition or profile on the scene, but that does not imply that the band members are newcomers or not proficient at their instruments. Indeed, the musicians show quite a bit of ability. Simultaneously, the band album might be on Nightmare Records, but the group is not a Christian one. It is spiritual and eschews the organized religion route. The divergence might be explained by the fact that the album is only distributed by Nightmare Records.
The group is influenced by '80s Rush and albums like Grace Under Pressure and Power Windows. Shades of Rush are all over Sunlight Of The Spirit. Others influences are Fates Warning and Queensrÿche. Gordon Tittswoth’s vocals are a cross between Geoff Tate of recent years and Corey Glover of Living Colour. Images Of Eden has a few technical segments and parts, although generally stays away from technical passages preferring smooth segments. The keyboard passages are strongly reminiscent of Rush’s '80s work; the guitar solos are fluid and the drums under-served by the mix. The centrepiece of the album is the three-part title track spanning over 15 minutes although the line “Sunlight Of The Spirit” appears on the song Beyond The Horizon as well. Dream Catcher is more mainstream than the average track and Aladdin is probably the disc’s weakest moment. Overall as well, the band is passable, but hardly excellent. Images Of Eden simply lacks the magic or superior arrangements and riffs to become anything awe-inspiring. Let us see what the future brings. - Anna Tergel