Mardelas II – 2016 – Nexus Mardelas III – 2018 - Nexus Mardelas IV – 2022 – Nexus | ![]() |
Members Vocals Destrose>>HEBIISHI MARINAGuitar Sex Machineguns, Screaming Symphony>>OIKAWA KIKYO>>Screaming SymphonyBass Silex, Nova-Era, Light Bringer, Alhambra, Dragon Guardian, Solo>>Hibiki>>Light Bringer, Alhambra, Dragon Guardian, Solo, Saber Tiger - Screaming Symphony>>MOTOISHI HISAYUKI>>Screaming SymphonyDrum Saber Tiger, Light Bringer>>Yumida Hideaki>>Light Bringer |
History & Biography This heavy metal band came together through Marina’s effort in Tokyo in 2014. Mardelas was formed by singer Marina in 2014. Marina had just left Destrose. A conceptual Mardelas had existed before Destrose however. The singer and guitarist were school-mates. The band’s first show was in Nagoya in the same year. The band issued its own single Daybreak/Phantasia. Nexus signed the band and issued the 2015 debut, Mardelas I. The band appeared at Oni-Con XII 2015 in USA. Masha was the band’s second and touring guitarist. He was also on the departed Hibiki’s solo album. The group appeared at Connichi 2017 in Kassel, Germany. This appearance was repeated for 2018. Mardelas III featured the band's new bassist who was in Screaming Symphony with guitarist Kikyo. The 2019 EP Ground Zero featured Mao of Light Bringer on keyboards. The video for Apocalypse from the same EP was reminiscent of Light Bringer’s Noah. Of course, many like Accept, and the song Midnight Mover, had used the same camera movement before. Hideaki Yumida left in 2020.The band was booked for Pure Rock Japan Live 2021. Aldious was also appearing. The band’s Mardelas IV was expected in 2021. The act was issuing the Mardelas Official Bootleg Vol.1 –Faith In Tomorrow- video in the autumn of 2021. It featured a live Tokyo performance from July and bonus material. It was the band’s first live Blu-ray. In advance of the IV album, Mardelas was independently releasing a single called Infinite Trinity on January 26th 2022. The band was promising that the tracks would be exclusive to the release. Mardelas IV was announced for September 2022. A seven-date tour of Japan was also announced for September and October. The band announced an independent live album called Mardelas IV Tour 2022 In Nagoya for January 2023. Mardelas IV Tour 2023 Extra Vol.1 and Mardelas IV Tour 2023 Extra Vol.2 were independent releases in 2023. The band was touring Japan using the Snake To The Fire Tour monicker in the autumn. The serpentine single of the same name was issued by Nexus and did not contain a title track. Snake To Revive was the title for a band EP from 2016 where it played older Destrose songs. Regardless, the song Patriot Anthem, from the single, stitched together a bunch of metal song titles as lyrics. Snake To Metamorphose was a 2017 single. The band made it four in a row (five with the video). Snake To The Fire Tour 2023 was a live independent release in February 2024. Mardelas issued Dead Or Alive independently on September 25th, 2024. The release came in DVD and CD editions. The band announced a solo gig and a mini-tour with Tears Of Tragedy for 2025. Coincidentally, both bands had been sharing drummer Maki for live work in the last couple of years. Reviews MARDELAS - MARDELAS I - NEXUS/KING MARDELAS - II - NEXUS/KING MARDELAS - III - NEXUS MARDELAS - GROUND ZERO - NEXUS Interviews ![]() Conducted in English and translated into Japanese, as Mardelas founder Marina is conversant in the former language, this interview has been translated here at Metallian Towers into Japanese for our visitors from Japan. It is printed with some delay and several details are older, but overall it features relevant information and should be of interest to both fans of Mardelas and those who have not devoted attention to the Tokyo-based group yet. Speaking of which, Mardelas is a heavy metal/hard rock/rock band and could be genuinely described as possessing quality penmanship. The act’s biography and other details are, as always, here on the band’s page so read on to gain insight into Marina’s mentality and gain access to more information about the group. – 2021 Thank-you for your time and availability, Marina. Congratulations on what you have achieved thus far as a band and your expressive voice. Would you take us back to your formative years? You were raised in Singapore. How did that come about and when was your return to Japan? Marina elaborates that “my family moved to Singapore for work and returned to Japan when I was about 13 years old.” In that case, at which point did your personal interest in music take shape? Were there any styles or bands that were particular favourites or influential at that stage? Evidently, Marina’s influences took an unconventional route. “Since I can remember, because of my mother, I’ve always been surrounded by music,” begins the singer. She elaborates, “I started studying Classical music when I was about five or six years old because of the Tom & Jerry cartoon! The background music really moved me as a young kid. As I became older, I gravitated to hard rock and heavy metal music, as well as traditional Japanese music. Dio and Skid Row were some of my earlier rock influences, but I was also inspired by Japanese R&B Pop artists such as Utada Hikaru.” ![]() Singer-songwriters are often shorthand for mundane and boring at Metallian Towers, but rest assured that Marina is more and has a band. If that is the case Marina, then let us take a step back. An unknown singer joins Destrose. One wonders how that came about and how Marina looks back at those foundational years. "I was already working on material with Kikyo of Mardelas before Destrose,” Marina reveals. “Because of the 2011 earthquake (in north-eastern Japan), and other reasons, Mardelas was unable to continue at that time. The opportunity to sing in Destrose was presented and I took it. Looking back on those years was a good experience.” Marina left Destrose in 2014. One wonders why that was and whether Destrose’s leader Mina was a monster since that band’s line-up was always fluid. Marina’s departure was, in turn, attributed to health problems or musical differences or not wanting to be in an all-girl band. The first two explanations are difficult to accept given the existence of Mardelas and the similarities in the music of both bands. Marina chooses to ignore most of the question, which is her prerogative. However, could her not answering point at the question hitting a sore spot? Here is Marina: “All the singles from when I was in Destrose, I wrote, that’s probably why it sounds similar. Mardelas has been my passion from day one so it was time for me to form Mardelas.” Okay, and still in that context, this is not a Destrose, but a Japanese music scene question. Destrose never disbanded. The band went on the well-known “hiatus” all Japanese bands that disband go. Is a ‘hiatus’ a Japanese way of saying disbandment? Marina’s explanation is interesting. ““hiatus” is the difference between 0% and 1%.” That is indeed an illuminating way of putting it. Still, the Japanese scene is riddled with corporate doublespeak and publicity-oriented announcements in lieu of honest communication, which is a pity as this is supposed to be heavy metal and not major label R&B. Change of subject, Marina. It is an obvious, yet simultaneously, a head-scratcher question. What does ‘Mardelas’ mean? “Mardelas itself has no meaning,” reveals the interviewee. Then she adds, “We are creating the meaning with our music.” On the same topic, are the Mardelas album names meant to be pronounced as ‘Mardelas The First’ and ‘… the second,’ et cetra or are they Mardelas one, Mardelas two and so forth. Also, will there eventually be a Mardelas Houses Of The Holy? “Mardelas 1, 2, 3, et cetra,” she clarifies, “and, hmm, Houses Of The Holy…,” and begins to laugh. Another change of topic, Marina. One wonders whether Mardelas is a solo act and what the line-up situation is within the band as there have been departures and musicians are called project members. Marina has her own description, which she explains as, “I debuted as an indie solo artist releasing a single called Daybreak / Phantasia. Once I was signed to King Records, Mardelas became a band and not a solo project.” As for the member changes, “We currently have decided to just stick with a support drummer,” she adds referring to not having a named and permanent person the drum stool. Mardelas is full of surprises. The band could be delivering heavy metal on one track, J-rock on the next and a cover version mere moments later. Is this diversity the fruit of freedom to do what you want or is that my characterization only? Her response may not suit heavy metal fans. “In my opinion, there is either good or bad music. I really don’t like to categorize music into genres. I rather just create music without a filter.” That is fair for a musician to say. Freedom is integral to true art. Speaking of which and referring to your haircut and band image, how does it feel to have the shortest cut in the band? Marina quips, “Real talk, I hated the stereotype placed on Japanese ‘kawaii’ type girls and wanted to break from that typical image,” as she refers to the ‘cute’ look associated with Japanese performers. It is ironic that those who do not have it try to become cute and grow their hair et cetra, yet someone who has it tries to get away from it. This one is somewhat also an image question: should I be concerned if we meet somewhere in Tokyo late at night? I have seen a gun, a machine gun, a knife and a katana in your hands. Marina’s answer: “Yes.” In that case, it is prudent to move on. I listed my favourite tracks and asked the Mardelas leader to comment. Maze (by Destrose) and who is responsible for the backing vocals: “I did all vocals including the backing vocals.” Eclipse: This song is basically the band Mardelas presenting its business card to the world. This song also is a small tribute to Metallica’s Battery. Scapegoat: “Basically, this song is the story of sacrificing oneself to save or protect someone or something one loves. Much like the movie, The Last Samurai. It’s a fan favourite during the concerts where the fans can join in the intro. Apocalypse: Although this is our latest single from the last EP, entitled Ground Zero, it has become a staple song for Mardelas. The lyrics were influenced by one of my favourite American dramas, The Walking Dead. This interviewer could write an essay about his level of contempt for the movie The Last Samurai. In a nutshell, drunkard American goes to Japan to vanquish the natives who the Japanese themselves could not handle. The man is paid dearly to show Japanese how they can shoot Japanese in Japan and for his services also meets the symbol of the Japanese state because the Emperor has nothing better to do than meet any member of the master race who comes along. As a bonus, the (former) wife of a man the American kills spreads her legs for the murderer of her husband. Back to Mardelas, Metallian gives Marina the opportunity to contribute to Tokyo Tourism. “I love bar hopping,” Marina begins referring to ‘hashigo.’ “So, I recommend checking out Shinjuku’s nightlife and hit up some of my favourite rock bars such as PSY and Rock Inn Dice.” It is good to get an update on the band’s latest news and the update on a new album before the bar hopping commences then. “We have released our first live Blu-ray and DVD containing two shows,” reminds Marina. “A new single for our upcoming album release, which was due in April 2022, was available in January entitled Infinite Trinity. The single contained six tracks.” Finally, Marina is evidently not a Metallian fan. Everyone has his own reason why for why Metallian is the world’s top website. Asked why she agrees she diplomatically leaves it at, “Thanks so much for the interview!” Hmmm, well. It would be great nonetheless to speak to Marina about the newer songs, the promised Mardelas IV album and The Last Samurai in another round, but in the meantime there are three full-length albums and the aforementioned Infinite Trinity EP to investigate. The band, comprised of Marina, guitarist Kikyo and bassist Hisayuki, has a website at バンド設立者マリナさんの英語が堪能であった故に今回行われた、当該言語でのインタビュー。日本からアクセスしている方の為に、メタリアンタワーズにて日本語翻訳させていただいた。一部古い情報となってしまったのは記事の公開が少々遅れた故であるが、全体として関連情報が多く語られているので、 Mardelasファンならびに、東京を拠点とするこのバンドにまだ時間を割けていない読者、両者にとって興味深いものになるだろう。ちなみに Mardelas はヘビーメタル/ハードロック/ロックバンド、更には至極上質な作品を書き上げるバンドとも言える。いつものようにバンドのこれまでの活動等の情報は、ページ内にあるので彼らに関する詳細情報やマリナさんの思想を理解するためにも、ぜひ一読して欲しい。– 2021 この度インタビューの実現、ならびにお時間が頂けた事はこの上なく有難い。今までに達成されたバンド活動とその表現力豊かな歌声へ賛辞を送りつつ、まずはシンガポール育ちという彼女の生い立ちについて。どの様な経緯でシンガポールへ、そしていつ日本へ帰国したのだろうか? “仕事の都合でシンガポールへ家族と移り住み、私が13歳の時帰国しました。”と、彼女は語り始めた。 では音楽への個人的な興味が出た時期はいつだったのか?またその当時のお気に入り、もしくは影響を受けたバンドやスタイルはどうだろうか?彼女の答えは奇抜なものだった。 “私が覚えている限り、母の影響でいつも音楽に囲まれていました。”と、更に詳細を語ってくれた。 “アニメのトム&ジェリーの影響でだいたい5、6歳の頃からクラシック音楽の勉強を始めました!幼いながらにも彼らのBGMにすごく感動しました。歳を重ねるにつれ、ハードロックやヘビーメタル音楽、そして日本の伝統音楽に惹かれました。最初に影響を受けたのは Dio や Skid Row ですが、宇多田ヒカルなどの日本のR&Bポップアーティストからもインスピレーションを得ました。 ではなぜ歌手の道を選んだのか?なぜ世にある他の職種ではなかったのか、との質問の回答で彼女はその確固たる決意を見せた。 “私は自分を単なるボーカリストと思っていません。私はシンガーソングライターで、自分の作品をアートとして見ています。そのアートを人々へ届け、そして繋がりたい。今までシンガーソングライター以外になりたいものは無かったです。 ![]() 2014年に Destrose を脱退した彼女。 Destrose のメンバーが頻繁に変わる理由は隊長Minaがモンスターだったからなのか?マリナさんの脱退理由を、健康上の問題、音楽性の違い、もしくはガールズバンドでいたくないのか、と順に訊ねてみたが、彼女はほとんどの質問に黙秘権を行使した。最初の2つは、 Mardelasとしての活動、両バンドの音楽の類似性を考えると腑に落ちない。答えにくい痛いところを突いてしまっただろうか?この質問に対する彼女の答えはこうだ。 “Destrose に在籍した当時、全シングルを手掛けたのは私です。だから楽曲が似ているのでしょう。活動当初から Mardelas こそ私の情熱だと思っていました。なので Mardelas 結成の時が来たと思いました。” では、続いても同じカテゴリーでの質問を。今度は Destrose ではなく日本の音楽業界について訊ねてみた。 Destroseは解散しては無いが、日本で解散するバンド全てが、かの有名な “活動休止”となる。 日本の“休止”とは解散の別の言い方なのだろうか?マリナさんの解釈は面白い “休止”は 0% か1%の違いですね.” なるほど興味深い解釈だ。それでも尚、日本の音楽業界は、正直なコミュニケーションに代わり企業の婉曲された言い回しと宣伝指向の発表で溢れている。悲しいことだが大手レコード会社のR&Bではなくヘビーメタルであるべきだ。話は変わるが、分かり切っているとはいえ頭を悩ませている、 Mardelas とはどの様な意味なのか。 “Mardelas という言葉に意味はありません。” 回答者はそう明白にした上さらに言葉を加える。 “その意味を私達の音楽で作り上げているところです”と。 同様の話題で、Mardelas のアルバム名。呼び方はマーデラス‐ファースト、セカンドとなるのか、もしくはマーデラス‐ワン、ツーでその後 Houses of the holyみたいになるのだろうか? “マーデラス‐ワン、ツー、スリーです”と彼女ははっきりと答えた。 “Houses of the holy 、、 ですか。”と笑い始めた。 話題は移り、気に掛かっているのは Mardelas がソロ活動なのかどうか、バンドのメンバーの状況はどうなっているのだろうか。プロジェクトメンバーと呼ばれたりミュージシャンの脱退もあった。彼女の説明はこうだ。“シングル Daybreak/Phantasiaでインディーソロアーティストとしてデビューし、キングレコードとの契約時にソロではなくバンドとなりました。”メンバーが変わった事については “サポートドラムをお願いしようと最近話し合って決めました。”とドラムを名指し固定しない事を加えた。 Mardelas は驚きに満ちている。ある楽曲ではヘビーメタルを披露するも、次の楽曲ではジャパンロック。そしてその後すぐカバーバージョンの発表。この多様性は彼女がやりたいことをした自由の成果なのか、それとも私がそう評価しただけなのだろうか?彼女の答えはヘビメタファンに合わないかもしれない。 “私の意見ですが良い音楽とそうでない音楽が存在します。音楽をジャンルごとに振り分けるのは本当に嫌なんです。フィルターを取り払って音楽を作りたいんです。” ミュージシャンがそう言うのは公平だろう。自由とは真の芸術に不可欠なものだ。そういえば彼女の髪型とバンドとのイメージ。バンド内で最も短髪だがどのように感じているのだろうか? “正直、日本の可愛いという固定観念が嫌いだし、その典型的なイメージを壊したかった。”と、日本のパフォーマーの「かわいい」外観について言及した。 皮肉な事に、その可愛さを持たざる者はそれを求め髪を伸ばしたりするのだが、その可愛さを持つ者はそれから逃れようとする。これまたイメージからくる質問だが、深夜の東京での待ち合わせは心配すべきだろうか?彼女が銃やマシンガン、ナイフや刀を手にするのを見たことがある。対する彼女の答えは “イエス.”だそうだ。 どうやら話を先に進めるのが賢明の様だ。さて私のお気に入り楽曲をリストアップし、 Mardelas のリーダーにコメントをお願いした。 Maze (by Destrose) のバックボーカル担当は誰なのか?: “バックボーカルも含め、全て私の声です。” Eclipse:この楽曲が基本的に Mardelas が世界に向けた名刺となっただろう。 “MetallicaのBatteryに対する小さな賛辞でもあります。 Scapegoat: “まずこの曲は誰かが愛するものを救ったり護ったりする、さながら映画ラストサムライのような自己犠牲の物語です。 イントロにファンが参加できるので、コンサートで人気の楽曲です。 Apocalypse:こちらは一番新しいEPのGround Zero に入っている Mardelas の定番曲ですね。歌詞はお気に入りのアメリカドラマThe Walking Dead の影響を受けました。 この質問者は、映画「ラストサムライ」に対して軽蔑レベルのエッセイが書ける。 簡単に言えば、飲んだくれのアメリカ人が、日本人が手こずる先住民を打ち負かすため日本へ行く。男は日本で日本人を撃つ方法を日本人に見せ、高額の報酬を受け取る。天皇はやって来た支配者民族と会う事以外、特別することがないので、男はその日本の象徴と会い、さらに加えるなら、アメリカ人が殺した男の(元)妻は、その殺人者へ彼女の足を広くんだ。と、 Mardelas に話を戻すとしよう。マリナさんに東京観光に貢献する機会を与えた結果 「私、はしご酒が大好きです。」と彼女は語った。「なので夜の新宿に繰り出して、私のお気に入りのロックバー、バーPSYやRock Inn Diceをお勧めします。」 はしご酒に繰り出される前にバンドの近況、新アルバムの最新情報について聞いておいた方がよさそうだ。 “2公演収録の、初映像作品DVDとブルーレイが発売されました。”それに加え” 2022年4月発売予定の新アルバムの先駆けで、シングル Infinite Trinityが発売されてます。こちらのシングルには6曲収録されています。” との事だ。 最後に明らかにメタリアンファンではない事マリナさんへ。メタリアンがなぜ世界トップクラスのウェブサイトであるのか、人々が持つ理由について聞いてみたが、 “インタビューお疲れさまでした” と、礼儀正しく去って行った。 うむ、、それにしても、新しい曲やこれから出るアルバム Mardelas IV、そして別ラウンドでのラストサムライについて、話を訊けたのは素晴らしい。しかしその間に3枚のフルアルバムと前述の EP InfiniteTrinityを調査しておかねば。マリナさん、ギタリスト樹京氏、ベーシスト久幸氏のバンドウェブサイトはこちら If you enjoyed this, read Kubota Yoko |