History & Biography The Norwegian black/death metal band formed in 1993 and split up in 1994 before reforming in 1995. Master V was on bass and vocals. The band’s demo was called Ode Til Norge. It was recorded with a drum machine. Secthdamon also played guitars in this period. The next demo came in 1998 and was called Apocalyptic Psychotica - The Murder Tape. This lead to a contract with England’s Candlelight. The band issued another album in 2002, but despite being declared active went silent. The album was supported by a run of gigs with Sinister and Nile however.
Destructhor joined Morbid Angel between 2008 and 2015. Upon being asked to leave the American band he intended to focus on Myrkskog again.
It was 1995, I believe, when I was reading an interview with Candlelight boss Lee informing the journalist interviewing him that Candlelight will not sign anymore death metal bands. He was wrong. Although the details contained in the enclosed biography say nothing directly, the band moniker and members' names lead to Norway as band origin. Whatever the case, Myrkskog are a fast death metal band with two drummers. One is a human, the other is not. The guitars are thick and concentrate on speed riffing. The tight dynamism is reminiscent of Emperor, but of course Myrkskog is no trendy joke band but rather a heavy death band with simply a lot of dynamics built into their music - and their singer doesn't look like zorro either. The vocals are all hell and fire and really with titles like The Hate Syndicate, Discipline Misanthropy and the title track how can you go wrong? I certainly could have done without the fake drum assistance, occasional pianos and a joke remix tagged to the album's end but then again nobody said these guys were perfect. - Ali "The Metallian"