Massacrator>>Dark Lust>>NECROMASS - ITALY

Mysteria Mystica Zofiriana – 1994 - Unisound
Abyss Calls Life – 1996 - Dracma
Calix. Utero. Babalon. – 2013 - Funeral Industries

Necromass image
Dark Lust>>Charles Blasphemy ‘Grand Inquisitor Commander’ [Carlo Bellotti]>>God Fuck 93 - AIN SOPH AOUR [LEONARDO FABBRI]

Nachzerehrmara [Francesco Pecorini] - Suicide Of Nation>>J.C. KERIOTH/J.C. CHAOS [JOHN CORDONI]


Domine>>Black Wizard [Stefano Bonini]>>Domine, Svlfvr, Viverna, Fangs Of The Molossus – Underskin, Raw Visions, Strangers In Death>>Charun [Mino Di Leonardo]>>Secret Wizard

History & Biography
This Florence, Italy-based black metal band was formed in 1992 out of the ashes of two former monickers and issued a demo called Connected Body Pentagram. A 7” called His Eyes was next. Another one was called Bhoma. The debut full-length was 1994’s Mysteria Mystica Zofiriana whose cover was likened to the penis of the American president when confronted with the option to bomb some foreign country. The deal with Unisound did not last. With Charlie’s departure Ain took over the vocals. The band was on the Satanic War Tour I with Dark Funeral in 1996. The deal with Dracma did not last and the group disbanded in 1999 only to return in 2011 with Ain still remaining and new drummer Charun. The old records were re-released by Funeral Industries and the group appeared at the Rock Hard Festival in Milan on September 17th 2011. A split record with Mortuary Drape was issued in 2015. A Martyna Smith was dancing for the band. The band announced a 25th anniversary show for 2017. Black Art 1992-2018 was a compilation. Nachzerehrmara left in 2022. Handful Of Hate's Nicola Bianchi replaced him. Charun was replaced by a returning Black Wizard. The group opened for Emperor and Mayhem in December 2022. The band participated in a concert called A Day Of Darkness to begin 2024.


