History & Biography The so-called black metal band was formed in 2008, but it was not until 2011 that an album was issued. This was essentially a demo. A split with Drengskapur appeared in 2013. A 2014 demo was called Glas. R.S. took over the vocals from M.S. in 2015. Germany-based black metal band Nemesis Sopor had an album called MMXL through Geisterasche Organisation in mid-2017. Bassist F.N. left in 2018. Eis Zu Stein (‘ice to stone’) was a 2019 demo and the band appeared on the Quintessenz compilation in 2020. The band issued a demo called Firmament in 2023. X.M. was on bass. The band played with Thronecult and Drengskapur before the demo's release and with Noctem after. 2024 kicked off with a gig with Nornír and Afsky.