Victim Of Yourself – 2014 - Napalm
Agony – 2016 - Napalm
Downfall Of Mankind – 2018 - Napalm
Perpetual Chaos – 2021 - Napalm
Jailbreak - 2023 - Napalm

Nervosa image
Fernanda Lira>>Crypta – Bloodhunter, Outreach>>Diva Satanica [Rocio Vazquez]>>Bloodhunter, How We End - PRIKA AMARAL [PRISCILA DOS SANTOS AMARAL]

Revolta, Sakrah>>PRIKA AMARAL [PRISCILA DOS SANTOS AMARAL]>>Sakrah, Revolta - Solo, Paul Di'Anno>>HELENA KOTINA>>Solo, Paul Di'Anno

Hellgard, HellArise, Detonator E As Musas Do Metal>>Fernanda Lira>>Detonator E As Musas Do Metal, Crypta – The True Endless, Huginn, Darkness, Niryth, Triumph Of Death, Abbath, Solo>>Mia Wallace>>Solo, Abbath - Afterblood, W.E.B., Christfuck, King Diamond>>HEL PYRE [ELINA PAPADOGIANNI]>>Afterblood, W.E.B.

Ajna, Hellsakura>>Pitchu Ferraz>>Dominatrix, As Mercenarias, Chaos Rising, Wonder Maidens, As Mercenarias – Apophizys>>Luana Dametto>>Apophizys, Chaos Rising, Crypta – Lightfold, Mask Of Prospero, Ghost Season, Meet The Maker, Burning Witches>>Eleni Nota>>Lightfold, Mask Of Prospero, Meet The Maker, Ankor, Burning Witches, Passengers In Panic - Ember & Dust, Time Stroke, Gwendydd, Khanъ, O.R.K.>>MICHAELA NAYDENOVA>>Ember & Dust, O.R.K.

History & Biography
This Sao Paulo-based band was founded in February 2010 by Amaral and issued a demo two years later. The band is comprised of thrash metal, piercings, nose rings, a ton of make-up and of course tattoos. Brazil’s Nervosa released its debut album, Victim Of Yourself, on March 11th 2014 in North America through Napalm Records. The thrash metal band was in the U.S.A. in the winter of 2016 recording its second album. The band was at The Foundation studio in Ashland, Oregon and Norcal Studio with producer Brendan Duffey. Brazil’s all-girl band Nervosa had a 2016 album called Agony, which was released on June 4th through Napalm Records. Canadian death thrashers Mortor was on the stage alongside Brazil’s Nervosa on August 3rd 2016. Destruction would tour Europe in the autumn of 2016. Opening would be Flotsam And Jetsam, Sweden’s Enforcer and Nervosa. Luana Dametto joined on drums in 2017. Venom Inc., Suffocation, Nervosa and Canada-based Aeternam would tour Europe in March and April 2018. Amorphis wanted to commemorate its 1994 album Tales From The Thousand Lakes on a Canadian tour in September 2020. The album was to be played in its entirety. Opening the tour were Entombed A.D. and Nervosa.

Singer and bassist Fernanda Lira and drummer Luana Dametto left the Brazil-based thrash metal band in Q2 2020. Guitarist Prika Amaral was recruiting members. Following the departure of two members Amaral recruited singer Diva Satanica (Bloodhunter), bassist Mia Wallace (formerly Abbath, Triumph Of Death), and drummer Eleni Nota (Mask Of Prospero and Croque Madame). Former members Fernanda Lira and drummer Luana Dametto banded with now former Burning Witches’ guitarist Sonia “Anubis” Nusselder and former Hagbard guitarist Tainá Bergamaschi in a new death metal project called Crypta. Nervosa issued Perpetual Chaos through Napalm Records in January. The band announced a European tour for 2022 with Systemhouse33 and Warbringer. Destruction, Nervosa, Sunlord and VX36ill were to tour Canada and the USA in April and May 2022. Nervosa’s new drummer Nanu Villalba was already out of the band, “due to lack of common agreement” as of January 2023. The band was due to enter the studio that month. Nanu had joined in September 2022 replacing Eleni Nota who had left for health reasons. Helena Kotina joined on guitar in 2023. Diva Satanica had left after giving the band several months’ notice. The band had newer members lined up to enter the studio. Guitarist Prika Amaral moved to vocals at the beginning of 2023. To boot, new members were Helena Kotina on guitars, Hel Pyre on bass and Michaela Naydenova on drums. This latest line-up uploaded a song called Endless Ambition. Nervosa released a full-length, entitled Jailbreak, through Napalm Records on 29.09.2023. Founding member Prika Amaral was on vocals for the first time, Helena Kotina was on guitar, Hel Pyre on bass and Michaela Naydenova on drums. The group played in Greece and toured Mexico. The band was booked for Metal Hammer Paradise 2023 and 70000Tons Of Metal 2024. The band was also booked for Summer Breeze Brasil for 2024. Nervosa had a headline tour of the USA and Canada beginning in late August. The tour featured support from Lich King and Hatriot. Depravation Festival Open Air 2025 was to feature Nervosa, Memoriam, Cancer and others. The band was to tour Europe with Cradle Of Filth in the summer of 2025.

The band changes band members like it’s nobody’s business. Fernanda Lira is married to bassist Juninho of RDP. Prika Amaral had moved to Italy later.


