History & Biography The band was birthed by guitarist Leonardo Passigli in 2015. Pain Therapy’s self-titled album was out through Art Gates Records in mid-2018. The band was described as hard rock. Pain Therapy had a video for the single What Happened To My Mind. A series of European shows took place in 2019. The band was not with Art Gates any longer by the end of 2020 and was on ice regardless.
Reviews PAIN THERAPY – Same – ART GATES  The band is being accorded 40 marks with the provision that it is neither metal nor of interest to any of Metallian readers bar those interested in AOR and pop/rock. They are included here because this three-year old act on Art Gates has a couple of hard riffs like on King Of Love and that the opening song What Happened To My Mind is a successful, albeit schizophrenic, hard rock tune that were it not for its disloyalty would have been a real great tune of the sub-genre. Sadly, the band and song change to an alternating second song on the same track and this second tune is not as good as the first!
Children Of Just War begins with a bass sound reminiscent of Pink Floyd. It is a soft and commercial outing, but it is a good time to mention how the band’s sound and production is of the highest calibre. The mix is perfect and the sound out of the instrument is crystal clear without being annoying. Regardless, more soft rock follows, as does a story with female vocals on Gummo and an outright ballad called Sweet Journey. It is difficult sitting here listening to the band croon “run baby run baby ruuun” when there is so much metal in this world and groups clamouring to appear in the hallowed halls of Metallian Towers, but before signing off another kudos to the band for the funny intro title, I Hate Music. – Ali “The Metallian”