History & Biography This Poland-based side-project of Peter of Vader was around from 2004 to 2007, reappeared for a concert in 2012 and duly went back into the shed. Vitek had died in an accident in 2007. Steel Fist was a 2006 EP issued by Metal Mind Productions. The band played fast heavy metal, which is a contrast to the members’ main bands
Panzer X is described by the Metal Mind people as the solo project of Vader main man, Peter. Interesting, since essentially Vader is Peter’s solo project and he collaborates with different musicians in both bands.
The disc’s first two tracks are ho-hum speed metal with typical high vocals and an oddly misplaced pounding rhythm section. The songs Panzer Attack!!! and Steel Fist sound like Gamma Ray and Nocturnal Rites on speed. The third song is called Feel My X and features lines like, “Meet me sweetie, meet me now, come to daddy…” In contrast to its two predecessors the song is more along the lines of UFO. In Memory… is a short and slow instrumental, which leads to a cover version of Rolling Stones’ Paint It Black. Cover versions are a dime a dozen, but if forced to choose then I would vote Deranged’s version of the song as leaps ahead of Panzer X’s. Oddly enough, the back cover and the biography insist the EP also features a cover of Judas Priest’s Riding On The Wind, yet it is nowhere to be found.
Steel Fist is a passable album, which is searching for a reason to exist. As a music consumer one can do worse, but not many people’s collections are that complete. - Ali “The Metallian”