History & Biography The name says it all… they sound every bit like the monicker suggests. The band was founded in Udine, Italy in 2012, but has the ‘80s sound down pat. The band issued a demo called Rock'n'Roll first and played shows in Hollywood in 2012. Singer Sabrina left.
With a name like Party Animals it would not be surprising to expect Poison and Slaughter all night and all day long. Well, Party Animals party for most of the night, but eventually go to bed and certainly get good shuteye for some of the day and have a good catnap too.
Fuck You Baby is a good title to begin such an album, but musically it is not until the third track, called Set Me Free, with which the act really gets going. It is as if the title is a conscious being. Admittedly, the main riff of Fuck You Baby rocks. More action comes out on Whiskey Sour. The guitarist shows he can throw in a couple of wild and heavy riffs when he wants to; alas the vocals of female vocalist Andre - not to mention the backing vocals - are limited and flat. Lace And Spurs is almost terrible. The tracks Party Animals (with its Poisonous music) and Light A Fan Cool end the album. One would think it odd that such pivotal titles would end the album, but that maybe because they are not very special. Elsewhere, the guitarist Max can shred a lead but evidently does not want to. Whiskey Sour rips some, but it is isolated. Incidentally, the biography tells us that the album’s title is a translation for a slang way to say 'fuck off' in the band’s Udine, Italy hometown. - Ali “The Metallian”