History & Biography The band was called N.D.E. (Near Death Experience) for two years before changing its monicker and operating as Pathosray from 2002 to 2013. The founders were Ivan Moni Bidin, guitarist Luca Luison and vocalist Marco Sandron. The act had a demo called Strange Kind Of Energies in 2002. This was recorded while the band was still N.D.E. The band went on hiatus. Then came Deathless Crescendo demo in 2006. Sensory Records signed the band and issued the debut album in 2007. The group had signed with Intromental Management in Denmark earlier. The group played at ProgPower Festival in the USA in 2008. Luison departed the group in 2007. His replacement, Alessio Velliscig also departed before the end of days due to “artistic differences.” Antonio Petris was recruited. He was in bands with Fabio. Nonetheless, he took off soon enough. The members also participated in Fairyland, which was based in France. The band taped a demo for its label in 2013 and then… darkness.
I was about to ask where Sensory discovers bands like this when the band’s biography explained that Italy’s Pathosray - the name takes on interesting dimensions the more one thinks about it - came to the American label through the Danish management company Intromental Management. The band is indeed a progressive metal surprise. How many times has one heard of an Italian band in this genre only to be disappointed by the said group’s cloning of Dream Theater. Pathosray is not Empty Tremor, but its own band despite a couple of keyboard segments alluding to the Americans. Instead, the band devises its own progressive path, which goes between softer passages where singer Marco Sandron is vocalizing and the harder instrumental parts, which approach Voivid or Meshuggah in their hardness. Strange that most progressive metal bands mellow out when the vocals begin. An accomplished set of musicians including a pumping bass sound, a bright production and an inspired cover art should give Pathosray a lot of standing among progressive fans. Scent Of Snow, in particular, has all the band’s best elements in one place inclusive of an attention-grabbing metallic riff that machine guns its way to the ears. - Anna Tergel