Prowler In The Yard – 2001 – Relapse
Terrifyer – 2004 – Relapse
Phantom Limb – 2007 - Relapse
Book Burner – 2012 - Relapse
Head Cage – 2018 – Relapse
Pornographers Of Sound: Live In NYC – 2021 - Relapse

Pig Destroyer image
Treblinka, Agoraphobic Nosebleed, Enemy Soil, Virginia Creep>>J.R. HAYES>>Agoraphobic Nosebleed, Enemy Soil, Virginia Creep

Head In The Picklejar, Japanese Torture Comedy Hour, Anal Cunt, Treblinka, Agoraphobic Nosebleed, Blower, Solo>>SCOTT HULL>>Agoraphobic Nosebleed, Blower, Solo

Fulgora, Agoraphobic Nosebleed, All Will Fail, Scour, China Girl>>John Jarvis>>Fulgora, Agoraphobic Nosebleed, All Will Fail, Scour, China Girl – Necropsy, Noisem, Healing Magic, Cavalera>>TRAVIS STONE>>Healing Magic, Cavalera

Enemy Soil>>Brian Harvey – All Will fall, Misery Index, Criminal Element, Asthma Castle, Fulgora, God Enslavement, Scour, Lock Up>>ADAM JARVIS>>Misery Index, Asthma Castle, Fulgora, God Enslavement, Scour, Lock Up

Daybreak, Hatebeak, Triac, Tentacles Of God, Zealot R.I.P.>>Blake Harrison>>Hatebeak, Triac, Tentacles Of God, Zealot R.I.P

History & Biography
This Virginia-based lovers of all things related to dead cops and barbecue was founded by Scott Hull in Virginia, USA in 1997. There was a demo in 1997. The members used aliases here in order to not ride the coattails of their other bands, but that did not last long. A 1998 EP was called Explosions In Ward 6 and issued by Reservoir Records. A couple of splits followed until Relapse issued the group’s debut, Prowler In The Yard, in July 2001. Terrifyer added a bonus DVD featuring an audio track. The album’s cover art features Jesus following days of drinking too much non-organic milk. The band was part of the Grind Over UK 4 tour with Halo, Narcosis and Total Fucking Destruction. JR was injured stage diving and required medical attention in the UK. Thus, he ended up missing the end of the tour with others pitching in. The band appeared at Maryland Death Fest in 2005. A split with Phobia did not materialize. Blake Harrison joined for Phantom Limb and was responsible for samples, which is odd for a band founded to play true grindcore. Regardless, Harrison had been a roadie for the act previously.

2012’s Book Burner was recorded at Visceral Sound Studio. It featured a bonus EP called Blind, Deaf And Bleeding, which was later issued separately. This studio was also a rehearsal space the band had built for itself. The band recruited drummer Adam Jarvis’ cousin, John Jarvis, on bass in late 2013. The band had gone so long without a bassist. The band played Denver Black Sky festival to commemorate Relapse’s 25th anniversary alongside Ringworm, Skinless and others in 2015. Fulgora was a project in 2015. Scour was a project featuring John Jarvis. Head Cage was named after a medieval torture apparatus. Black Harrison was a guest on No/Mas’ Raiz Del Mal EP in 2018. John Jarvis left in 2019. Adam Jarvis joined Lock up to replace Nick Barker in June 2020. The band had an EP called The Octagonal Stairway in August 2020. Blake Harrison left in 2022 and would die of heart failure in 2024. Alex Cha replaced him in 2023. Pig Destroyer, Jarhead Fertilizer, No/Mas and Bandit lined up a mini-tour of the US East Coast for April 2024. In the meantime, Travis Stone was recording self-cover versions with Cavalera. Pig Destroyer had a 20th anniversary remixed and remastered reissue of Painter Of Dead Girls, a collection of early recordings, cover versions, live recordings and b-sides, through Relapse in 2024. There was also a 20th anniversary version of Terrifyer.

‘Pig’ is slang for cops.



Pig Destroyer