Misanthropic Propaganda – 2013 - Pulverised

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Carnalized, Vomitous, Deranged>>Anders "Tarzan" Johansson>>Carnalized, Vomitous, Deranged – Syconaut, Construct>>DANIEL "DAAZ" VALSTRÖM>>Syconaut, Construct

Vomitous, Carnalized, Miseration>>CHRISTIAN LUNDGREN>>Vomitous, Carnalized, Miseration – Angel Blake, Unmoored, Incapacity, Carnalized, Scar Symmetry, Solo, Atoma, Torchbearer, Miseration, Syconaut, Solar Dawn, Solution .45, The Few Against Many, Svavelvinter, Pre-Human Vaults, Cipher System>>CHRISTIAN ÄLVESTAM>>Unmoored, Carnalized, Scar Symmetry, Solo, Atoma, Torchbearer, Miseration, Solar Dawn, Solution .45, The Few Against Many, Svavelvinter, Pre-Human Vaults, Cipher System, Hordes In Exile

Carnalized, Vomitous, Deranged>>Anders "Tarzan" Johansson>>Vomitous, Deranged - Angel Blake, Unmoored, Incapacity, Carnalized, Scar Symmetry, Solo, Atoma, Torchbearer, Miseration, Syconaut, Solar Dawn, Solution .45, The Few Against Many, Svavelvinter, Pre-Human Vaults, Cipher System>>CHRISTIAN ÄLVESTAM>>Unmoored, Carnalized, Scar Symmetry, Solo, Atoma, Torchbearer, Miseration, Solar Dawn, Solution .45, The Few Against Many, Svavelvinter, Pre-Human Vaults, Cipher System, Aortha, Hordes In Exile

Enshrined, Solar Dawn, Incapacity, Unmoored, Spawn Of Possession, Traumatized>>HENRIK SCHÖNSTRÖM>>Unmoored, Spawn Of Possession

History & Biography
This project was founded by Christian Älvestam and Christian Lundgren in 2004 and played death metal. Älvestam was out to be in a new band a month. Christian Älvestam was on drums, but switched instruments. Human Trophy was the 2005 demo that lead to a deal with Pulverised Records and Fallen Man Collection EP of 2006, which was the demo re-released. The songs were based on the Predator movies. The label and Unmoored had worked together. Jonas Kjellgren, who owned Black lounge studio, was added at this juncture. The 2008 EP Dark Are The Skies At Hand further recycled the material, but added a couple of new songs. Singer and bassist Anders "Tarzan" Johansson left in 2011. A full-length appeared in mid-2013, which was based on the V TV serial. The band became inactive in 2015.


This newish Swedish outfit is comprised of a bunch of Swedish death metal (and wimp rock) scene veterans further adding credence to the notion that the Swedish gene is intrinsically nomadic, disloyal and afflicted with ADD. Featuring current and former members of Centinex, Unmoored, Torchbearer, Carnal Forge, Scar Symmetry (told you about the wimp rock!), Solar Dawn, and many more Fallen Man Collection massacres eight tracks in the course of ten minutes to the tune of the harshest death metal possible. The noisy production, the deep growls, the Predator samples, the thick sound and blistering pace convey visions of Deranged mixed with God Among Insects. Oh yeah, it is that good. Cranial Works Of Art has the kind of ripping solo the band should utilize more and track number seven is called 7th Target and indeed lasts a mere seven seconds. The silly samples and the short length of the disc do detract though so seventy points will have to suffice for this round. - Ali “The Metallian”


Quest Of Aidance