Nocturnal - 1998 - Power
The Cuckoo Clocks of Hell - 2003 - Mondongo Canibale
Non Voglio Morire - 2009 - Copro/Casket
Nazienda - 2015 - Mighty

Resurrecturis image
Axtura>>Jerry Di Tullio>>Axtura - Janos Murri>>Priority - Ivan Di Marco - Eyehate, Crystal Tear, Tapewhore>>ENRICO TIBERI>>Tapewhore

Allegra Combricca, Karneficina, Meltdown>>CARLO STRAPPA>>Meltdown - Janos Murri>>Priority, Demolition, Darkside, Sawthis - LUCA FAVONI

Gianluca Bassi - Allegra Combricca, Scala Mercalli, Sulphuria, Centvrion>>Gianluca Mandolesi>>Centvrion – Priority>>MANUEL COCCIA>>Priority

Omar Moretti>>Mysia, Organic Illusion - Priority,Infernal Poetry, Dark Lunacy, Demolition, Darkside>>Alessandro Vagnoni>>Infernal Poetry, Dark Lunacy, Demolition, Darkside, Angry Nation, Wolfheart, Tape Whore, Last Union

History & Biography
This part-time death metal band has been at it in Fermo since the summer of 1990. Carlo resurrected his 1986 band when he was handed a demo of Karneficina by that band's drummer. The two formed the basis for this act. The band released a demo called No Flesh Shall Be Spared in 1995 and followed up with Evil Confronting Evil a year later. The former had a pressing of 1,200. From that demo the song Mark 13 was included in the triple-CD compilation Sometimes Death Is Better 2,3, 4 of Shiver Records. Wild Rags of the USA began distributing this one, as it did its predecessor. Corpses was a professional demo for the band in 1997. The band had contacted producer Davide Lenci and worked in his SoundMachine Studio. This is the band’s most active and prolific period and upon signing with a label everything slowed down. Resurrecturis and Grief Of God shared a 7” at this time.

The debut album came in 1998. It featured newer and demo tracks. The band was guitarists Carlo Strappa and Janos Murri, bassist Gianluca Bassi and drummer Jerry Di Tullio. There was not a drummer, but the band found time to weave in female vocals. Backwoods Productions of Hungary disliked the underground and compiled the band’s demo materials into a release called Corpses Forever. The Suicidal Mission European tour of 2000 ended with a near fatal car crash making the monicker almost a reality.

The band recorded a couple of cover versions for this sampler. The band went quiet until the 2003 demo, The Cuckoo Clocks Of Hell. The title was the original name for the movie, Last House On Dead End Street, It was reissued by Mondongo Canibale Records of Spain a year later. It was promoted through European concerts with Vital Remains (with guest bassist Paolo Ojetti) and then Impaled Nazarene and Jungle Rot. Paul Speckmann was a roadie for the band and appeared on stage with them as well. The band was in an accident with its van, which overturned after a tire exploded. The members survived relatively unscathed. The group appeared at Fuck The Commerce festival in Germany in 2006. The Gorefest, Master, Lunafield, Resurrecturis and Kragens European tour was cancelled in early 2006. According to Gorefest, the "German agency Bruchstein Records" turned the tour "into a farce". The next album arrived in 2009. Janos Murri was also singing. The album was delayed when the producer disappeared on the band and finally released a subpar product to the act - which it rejected. The aforementioned Ojetti stepped in to complete the job. Translated into English, the title was ‘I Do Not Wish To Die’ and had an autobiographical concept. Murri is kicked out and accused of being deceitful.

The next record came six years thereafter. The band had recorded the album independently. The crew had changed again. The act was Strappa’s solo project de facto, but Manuel was also still on bass. In advance, a graphic novel illustrated by graphic artist Albano Scevola based on the plot of the album Nazienda was released. The comic book was simply called Nazienda – Graphic Novel. The band played concerts until 2016 before going on unofficial hiatus.

The band’s monicker was chosen because the ‘resurrecturis’ inscription was on the entrance to the cemetery where Strappa’s brother was buried. Alternatively, Carlo reported having dreamt the monicker ('for those about to revive').


There has to be a theme around which this demo CD is built, although what it is this scribe does not know. The disc begins and ends with the sounds of a cuckoo clock, but what is sandwiched in between is growling death metal with a powerful and guttural punch, with some exceptions. The first couple of songs are trusted and true brutal. Then on the songs Living Reification and Inversion-Perversion Ivan Di Marco introduces some lame clean vocals that, especially on the latter song, sound like the child of Danzig and Jim Morrison. Most of the demo retains its heaviness and even has original guitar techniques on several songs including I Corpi Privi Di Vita. Helmet Logic has some heavy riffing and The Hate's chant of the title is hardly missing any power.
Resurrecturis has been around for many years and has seen much delay and adversity in its time. It would be a cool idea to support the band by writing to or visiting The CD comes in an original packaging by the way. - Anna Tergel

To be blunt my first assumption right off the bat was that this album would suck. For that one has to see the name of the issuing record company, namely Copro Records. Who needs another pathetic mallcore band? Well, no one really, but Resurrecturis turned out to be anything but. Thank Zebub! Indeed, upon hearing the first couple of tracks the idea that this band might be the cream of the crop started to gel like the scheme to rape the masses at a fascist convention. The songs were heavy death metal, the riffs monumental and precise, the production dense and what was not to like? The first couple of songs were short, but excellent. With nothing repeating The Origin and Prologue - it’s a concept album about art and work - have good riffs galore nestled in a forceful sound. There were at least two vocals at work and loads of heavy emotions. It was all OK until... well, Resurrecturis aims for diversity.
Prologue could in fact be the death metal answer to Bon Jovi. Listen and you will get it. The Artist is an industrial pretender with the dreaded female droner appearing on this album as well. What the *^%@#!!? This blend continues on Calling Our names where the song goes from being a Metallica-type semi-ballad to trying hard to copy Iced Earth’s guitar tone and riffing. It even sounds like Lars Ulrich drummed on the song. Where Shall I Go From Here? mixes in the melody, although the melodic note interplay is really nice to be honest. The worst is left for last where In Retrospective fits in a pop diddly acoustic guitar. The band goes Mr. Big big time.
What a rollercoaster or what? It seemed to be crap. It seemed to be great. It ended up being confused.
It had potential. Great ability. Great sound. Great artwork. Great ideas. A DVD attached. Then the band lost it. How sad. - Anna Tergel


Band flyer
