Larga Vida Al Rock & Roll - 1981 - Chapa Discos
Volumen Brutal - 1982 - Chapa Discos
Metal Morphosis - 1983 - Mausoleum
Live - 1984 - Chapa Discos
En Un Lugar De La Marcha - 1985 - Chapa Discos
Siempre Estáis Allí - 1986 - Chapa Discos
Tierra De Nadie - 1987 - Zafiro
No Va Mas - 1988 - Zafiro
Obstinato - 1988 - Chapa Discos
Desafio - 1992 - Avispa
Arma Secreta - 1997 – Clave
20+ - 2001 – Zero
Barón En Aqualung – 2002 – Zero
Perversiones – 2003 – Zero
Ultimasmentes – 2006 – Santo Grial
Desde Barón A Bilbao – 2007 – Santo Grial
En Clave De Rock – 2009 - Sony
Imprescindibles - 2021 - Santo Grial

Baron Rojo image

Cracking Hearts, Blue Bar, Materia, Kafru, Coz, Armando Rock>>ARMANDO DE CASTRO>>Armando Rock – Cracking Hearts, Blue Bar, Materia, Kafru, Coz>>CARLOS DE CASTRO – Nu>>Jeronimo Ramiro>>Saratoga, Solo

Modulos, Solo>>Sherpa [Jose Luis Campuzano]>>Solo, Los Barones – Triton, Niagara, Goliath, Atlas>>Angel Arias>>Atlas, Armando Rock

Western Union, OVNI 87, Psiglo, Sherpa>>Hermes Calabria>>Sherpa, Los Barones – Triton, Cobra>>Ramakhan [José Antonio Del Nogal] – Eclipse, Trafalgar, A.Y.A., Atlas>>Jose Martos>>Atlas – Knell Odyssey, Easy Rider, Sabatan, Neomenia, Armando Rock>>RAFA DIAZ>>Armando Rock

History & Biography
Baron Rojo was one of the heaviest, more popular and important of Spanish HM bands. The Castro brothers had been in bands since the late 60s. They had good sales in Spain and supported Hawkwind there in 1982. The band recorded an English version of its second album and played at London's Marquee. The group also played at the Reading festival in 1982. Barón En Aqualung was recorded in Madrid. Ultimasmentes’ cover artwork references ‘the red baron.’ The band reunited for a show at 2009’s Metalway Festival, which was taking place in June in Zaragoza, Spain. The band was singer and guitarist Carlos de Castro, guitarist Armando de Castro, bassist José Luis Campuzano and drummer Hermes Calabria. From 2009 to 2011 there were two competing versions of Barón Rojo. One featured Sherpa and Calabria. Another one featured the band’s original vocalists and guitarists. The band recreated The Who’s Tommy on the 2012 recording, Tommy Barón. José Luis Morán became the bassist in 2018. Ramakhan died in 2019. He had been in the band in 1991 and 1992. Imprescindibles was a live record. Obus and Baron Rojo announced live work for 2025.

Barón Rojo is Spanish for the ‘Red Baron,’ which references Manfred Von Richthofen a World War I fighter pilot.



Baron Rojo