Blood For Satan - 2001 - Necropolis
Come The Colorless Dawn – 2016 – World Terror Committee

Black Dawn image
Genital Masticator, Nocturnal Feast, Enochian Crescent>>PROPHET HOATH WRATH [JANNE KURU]>>Enochian Crescent

Vomiturition, …And Oceans, Deathbound, Rotten Sound, O>>Gaunt [Mika Aalto]>>…And Oceans, Deathbound, Rotten Sound, O, Havoc Unit, God Forsaken – Twilight, Deathbound, ...And Oceans, O, Sacrilegious Impalement>>SYPHON [PETRI SEIKKULA]>>Deathbound, ...And Oceans, O, Sacrilegious Impalement – Baptism, Steep, Bythos, Trollheims Grott>>TG [TUOMAS GRANLUND]>>Bythos, Trollheims Grott

...And Oceans>>Anzhaar [Mika Aalto]>>...And Oceans – Flame, Urn, Forgotten Horror, Deathchain, Jess And The Ancient Ones>>CULT [TUOMAS KARHUNEN]>>Forgotten Horror, Deathchain, Jess And The Ancient Ones

...And Oceans, Enochian Crescent, Nocturnal Feast, O, Throes Of Dawn>>Cauldron [Jani Martikkala]>>...And Oceans, Enochian Crescent, Nocturnal Feast, O, Throes Of Dawn – Wounded Ways, Maveth, Hoath, Phlegein, Cryptborn, Horna, Archgoat>>VNOM [VILLE MARKKANEN]>>Maveth, Hoath, Phlegein, Cryptborn, Horna, Archgoat

History & Biography
After a year under another monicker the band picked up the new name in 1993 and issued a demo called War Against Christians. This battle obviously failed, but the group – despite the band reporting to be in a quarrel with the local church and priest - did not stop and issued the demos Dead Metal and Blood For Satan. The latter arrived with three tracks in 1998. Necropolis in UsofA and Season Of Mist in Europe issued the album, which bore the demo’s title, in 2001. The group changed its name to avoid hassles from the Yankees of the same name. The band used samples. Guitarist Syphon joined in 2001.

The band (now true Black Dawn), Enochian Crescent and O shared a split in 2005. The return album under the new monicker happened in 2016 except Wrath had an entirely new line-up around him.


At the record store, Blood For Satan is the album whose cover seemingly shows King Diamond and his younger brother react to the taste of American beer. Jesting aside, the reason I mention the record store is because The Metallian recommends that you storm your local record store to buy this piece of 'True Black Metal.' The perfect antidote to all the watered down, false, trendy, K&F (keyboard and Female vocals) and juvenile so-called black metal, Black Dawn is an all-out onslaught of evil and malicious black metal armed with a good sound, sharp guitars and drums and vocals from the depths of hell. To make this delivery even more astonishing is the band's Finnish origin - talk about a diamond in the rough! - Ali "The Metallian"


Black Dawn