History & Biography Jack and William formed bloody Herald in September of 2002 in Milan. Second guitarist Matt joined in 2004. The heavy metal group issued a demo in 2005 and a full-length in 2006. The two releases shared several songs.
This Italian quintet’s bio starts off by saying that they were formed in 2002 when Jack and William, the bassist and guitarist respectively, 'spent two years looking for suitable travel companions' to be part of a serious project. A further stated aim has been to innovate and not fall into 'worn schemes' with each member bringing opposing influences to the band. The nine songs on Like A Bloody Herald Remains start off with Blood Of A Child a song very much influenced by early Iron Maiden. Ashes starts off with an acoustic segment but it seems the band wakes up and throws itself back into more of the Iron Maiden-esque. Demons Of The Sand starts off well and is reminiscent of pure if not professionally produced '80’s heavy metal. Pyromaniac is fast paced but dated heavy metal. Forest sounds amateurish and shows the band having difficulty handling acoustic or melodic parts and are not helped with Adam’s vocals. Silence seems to be Forest’s sequel. Fearbringer is an Italian take on Iron Maiden again, more akin to a cover version at times. The title track is faster and more aggressive but still as if Iron Maiden and the '80s are revisited. Metamorphosis closes this journey but it has long become clear that Bloody Herald need a lot more originality to fulfil their wish of not using or abusing 25-year-old sounds. - Anna Tergel