History & Biography The Belgian death metallers Coalition coalesced in 2001 and soon issued a demo called Darkness Knights. A year later, the band unveiled its second demo, entitled Devil Revolution. The band signed to Deadsun imprint Konkalv and issued an album in 2005. Vansteenkiste replaced Guy Roger. The group disbanded in 2007, but returned in 2010. The 2011 demo was called Into Demencia. The second album emerged in 2012. Cat (Catarina Salsinha) joined on vocals in 2015. Celine had left in 2013. Simon Gaudron became the bassist.
Reviews COALITION - TORTURED BY ETERNAL DREAM - KONKLAV  Very much like you, dear reader, this writer had not heard of Coalition either before the knights of Metallian Towers sent this CD my way for a review. It is very fortunate that they did, though for Coalition is one of the surprises of the month for me. The Belgian death metal band is quite impressive.
Past a short introduction, Coalition is all about solid and powerful death metal with songs like Kingdom Of Madness, Collateral Damage, Lord Of Rebellion or War And Blood. The voice of singer David Remy is reminiscent of Sinister’s Mike and the musical delivery and style approaches names like Gorefest, Sinister and Benediction. The band is dependable, sturdy and better at its mid-paced death metal than its age or reputation would allow. This is as underground as it gets, but taking a song like Collateral Damage or the Swedish metal influenced Furious Death it is clear that the band deserves more. Watch for those occasional guitar clatters Coalition is fond of and check this album out. - Anna Tergel