History & Biography Carpathian Wolf found a Conspiracy in Ukraine in 1988, before moving to The Netherlands and signing to Pulverised Records. The band had a full membership before disbanding in 1995. Mr. Wolf joined Melechesh. He left in 2008. The debut album featured older and demo material updated for the record. 2009’s Concordat was mastered by Andy LaRocque and had a cover artwork by Dan Seagrave. The album’s release was delayed by over a year due to the workload of its issuing label! Conspiracy returned with its third full-length, Irremediable, in 2010 through Pulverised Records.
For every band out there called Conspiracy (and for that matter for every album out there called Reincarnated) there are twelve Ukrainian bands that insist on maligning heavy metal by using keyboards and tambourines instead of remaining true and pure. That is why it makes sense to forgive this band’s unoriginal name and title given the speed and heaviness of the material.
The material on Reincarnated is comprised of older music resurrected by lone remaining member Carpathian Wolf (hence the album’s title) and finally officially released by the reliable Pulverised Records. The focus here is on speed, evilized lyrics and scratchy vocals. It is a great combination that comes with the odd Heavy Metal rhythm. The deathly black metal thrashes forward with serious energy. A Dan Seagrave cover artwork and titles like Virgin’s Blood, United In Hate and Brothers Of Black Metal simply add to the cause. So, why in that case isn’t Reincarnated accorded a higher mark than a seventy? While the transgression of including a little synthesizer on Collapse Into The WWIII can be overlooked, the addition of stupid clean chants on the song Carpathian cannot. It is that combination that hints at a trendiness becoming of a man/band that apparently should know better. Carpathian might be throwing a bone to the glossy rags and their copycat webzines out there, but a true metal outfit would not share elements with The Backstreet Boys. Period. This is still good though. - Ali “The Metallian”
The very first and immediate impression of Conspiracy and Concordat in particular is the limited production. The opener, Mentally Ill God, jumps in with thrashy riffs and the mostly raspy vocals of sole member Carpathian Wolf add a black metal tinge. Die In Style is next and continues on the path of rather primitive sounding (very) thrashy black metal riffs and also features thrash style screaming chorus and a heavy metal sounding solo too. Conquerdate (Concordat) starts acoustically and stays there for a full minute before diving in with fast riffs and ends up being somewhat more black metal. Terrorized Into Submission is again a bit faster and simple black metal. Faith is a seven-minute intermission of sorts with a lot of acoustic guitars, some synthesizers and a may be folk feel overall. Limited To 666 is back to the metal and picks up speed sounding very much like a thrash and black mix again. Courage takes a more controlled approach to start and perhaps surprisingly the style remains that way for most of the song. Last Veteran is a nearly four-minute - and therefore the shortest song on Concordat - instrumental. It has a more modern heavy metal feel to it, one with a simple beat. - Anna Tergel